中階技術人力 數位訓練資源 Q: 我想要成為中階技術人力,但是薪資沒有達到免除技術條件的門檻,有哪些數位訓練課程或資源可以取得呢? A: 可以前往勞動力發展數位服務平台(https://portal.wda.gov.tw/mooc/co_technic.php)完成相關學習時數認證。 此外,家庭看護工也可以前往跨國勞動力權益資訊網進行外籍家庭看護工補充訓練數位學習,也可以取得訓練證明喔! 英文版 Intermedia skilled workforce Digital training resources Q: I want to become an intermediate skilled worker but my salary doesn’t meet the threshold to be exempt from the skill requirements, are there any digital training courses or resources I can take/use to make up for that? A: You should visit the Labor Development Digital Services Portal (https://portal.wda.gov.tw/mooc/co_technic.php) where you can be certified after completing the required training hours. In addition, live-in caregivers can also visit the Foreign National Labor Rights Portal where they can undertake replacement training in digital learning for live-in foreign care workers and receive a training completion certificate. 印尼文版 Tenaga Kerja Teknis Tingkat Menengah Sumber Pembelajaran Digital Q: Saya ingin menjadi tenaga kerja teknis tingkat menengah, tetapi gaji saya tidak mencapai batasan untuk dibebaskan dari persyaratan ketrampilan, di mana saya bisa mendapatkan kelas atau sumber pmbelajaran digital? A: Dapat mengunjungi platform Layanan Digital Pengembangan Tenaga Kerja di (https://portal.wda.gov.tw/mooc/co_technic.php) untuk sertifikat pemenuhan jam belajar terkait. Selain itu, pekerja migran pengasuh rumah tangga juga dapat ke Situs Hak dan Kepentingan Kerja bagi Orang Asing, untuk mengikuti pelatihan pembelajaran digital tambahan bagi pekerja migran pengasuh rumah tangga, dan Anda juga bisa mendapatkan sertifikat pelatihan. 越南文版 Nh?n l?c k? thu?t b?c trung T?i nguy?n ??o t?o k? thu?t s? Q: T?i mu?n tr? th?nh nh?n l?c co? tri?nh ??? k? thu?t b?c trung, nh?ng m?c l??ng kh?ng ??p ?ng ???c ng??ng mi?n tr? c?c ?i?u ki?n k? thu?t. T?i c? th? tham gia c?c kh?a ??o t?o ho?c t?i nguy?n k? thu?t s? n?o? A:B?n c? th? truy c?p N?n t?ng d?ch v? k? thu?t s? Ph?t tri?n l?c l??ng lao ??ng (https://portal.wda.gov.tw/mooc/co_technic.php) ?? ho?n th?nh ch?ng nh?n gi? h?c li?n quan. Ngo?i ra, kha?n h?? c?ng gia ??nh c?ng c? th? truy c?p Trang web Quy?n l??i lao ??ng cu?a ng???i n???c ngoa?i ?? h?c k? thu?t s? v? ??o t?o b? sung cho kha?n h?? c?ng gia ??nh ng???i n??c ngo?i, ho?c xong se? ????c cung c??p ch?ng ch? ??o t?o. 泰文版 ??????????????? ??????????????????????? (e-Learning) Q : ??????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A : ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (https://portal.wda.gov.tw/mooc/co_technic.php) ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????