▍請依循合法管道尋找就業機會 Q:聘僱期滿想要找新雇主,我應該從哪裡獲得工作機會呢? A:可以到跨國勞動力權益維護資訊網站中的移工轉換雇主專區,這個專區包含轉換雇主移工及接續聘僱雇主之必要資訊,以供雙方自行評估並接洽接續聘僱事宜,或可以請公立就業服務機構、合法仲介媒介新雇主,並依據規定完成轉換雇主之手續,才能夠繼續合法在臺灣工作! 移工聘僱期滿可轉換雇主,但仍需透過合法管道;請勿輕信非法仲介或私人好友媒介非法工作機會,以免導致權益受損或淪為人力販運受害者! 英文版 ▍Use legal channels to search for employment opportunities Q:If a foreign worker wants to transfer employers on the completion of a labor contract where should he/she look for employment opportunities? A: Go to the Migrant Worker Employer Transfer Query Section of the Foreign National Labor Rights Portal. This includes information for foreign workers seeking to transfer employers or continue employment with the same employer. It enables the two sides to evaluate and discuss the possibility of continued employment. Ask a public employment services agency or legal labor broker to help find a new employer. Only after completing the stipulated employer transfer process can a foreign worker continue legally working in Taiwan. When a foreign worker’s labor contract ends, he/she can transfer employers but must do so through legal channels. Foreign workers should not trust illegal labor brokers or friends who offer to help them find illegal work opportunities, to avoid their rights being undermined or falling victim to human trafficking. 印尼文版 ▍Harap mengikuti jalur resmi dan legal dalam mencari pekerjaan Q:Saya ingin mencari majikan baru setelah selesai kontrak nanti, kemana saya bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan? A: Bisa ke Situs Hak dan Kepentingan Kerja bagi Orang Asing TKA di bagian Pemeriksaan Pergantian Majikan TKA, pada bagian ini bisa mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan bagi pekerja migran yang ingin pindah majikan dan majikan yang ingin melanjutkan kontrak kerja pekerja migran, memudahkan kedua belah pihak untuk mengevaluasi dan menindaklanjuti perekrutan. Atau dapat meminta Badan Layanan Umum Ketenagakerjaan, agensi resmi untuk menjadi perantara memperkenalkan majikan baru, dan menyelesaikan prosedur pergantian majian berdasarkan pada peraturan, dengan demikian baru dapat bekerja di Taiwan secara legal! Pekerja migran yang kontrak kerjanya habis bisa ganti majikan, tetapi harus melalui jalur resmi dan legal; Jangan mudah percaya dengan penawaran pekerjaan yang dikenalkan oleh teman atau agensi ilegal, agar hak dan kepentingan tidak dirugikan atau menjadi korban perdagangan manusia! 越南文 ▍H?y theo d?i c?c k?nh h??p ph?p ?? t?m ki?m c? h?i vi?c l?m H?i: T?i mu?n t?m ch? lao ??ng m?i sau khi h?t h?n h?p ??ng, t?i n?n t?m c? h?i vi?c l?m ? ??u? A: B?n c? th? truy c?p Chuy?n m?c Lao ??ng n??c ngo?i chuy?n ??i ch? tr?n Trang web Quy?n l?i lao ??ng c?a ng??i n??c ngo?i, chuy?n m?c n?y ??ng t?i nh?ng th?ng tin v? vi?c chuy?n ??i ch? thu?, lao ??ng n??c ngo?i v? ch? thu? ti?p t?c tuy?n d?ng v.v..., ?? c? hai b?n c? th? ??nh gi? v? trao ??i v? vi?c ti?p t?c s? d?ng lao ??ng. Ho?c l? b?n c? th? th?ng qua c? quan d?ch v? vi?c l?m c?a nh? n??c, m?i gi?i h?p ph?p ?? ???c gi?i thi?u ch? thu? m?i, v? ho?n th?nh th? t?c chuy?n ??i ch? thu? theo quy ??nh, m?i c? th? ti?p t?c l?m vi?c h?p ph?p t?i ??i Loan. Ng??i lao ??ng n??c ngo?i c? th? chuy?n ??i ch? thu? khi h?t h?n h?p ??ng, nh?ng v?n c?n ph?i th?ng qua c?c k?nh h?p ph?p. ??ng tin v?o m?i gi?i b?t h?p ph?p ho?c b?n b? gi?i thi?u c?c c? h?i vi?c l?m tr?i ph?p, ?? kh?ng t?n h?i ??n quy?n l?i c?a m?nh ho?c tr? th?nh n?n nh?n c?a b?n bu?n ng??i ! 泰文 ▍???????????????????????????????? Q: ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? A: ●???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ●??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????? ????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????! ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????