【移工因喪假申請返國規定】 ▍家中親人過世,我可以請喪假返國嗎? 家庭看護工可以特休名義請假返國 適用勞動基準法的產業移工及機構看護,可依據過世親人之親等遠近申請喪假,喪假期間不包含例假日,且雇主應支付全薪。 英文版 Bereavement leave regulations for foreign workers ▍If a family member dies can I apply for bereavement leave to return to my home country? Live-in foreign workers can apply for annual leave and use that to return home Industry and institutional care facility foreign workers covered by the Labor Standards Act can apply for bereavement leave, but the length of the leave will differ depending on the closeness of the kinship relationship. Bereavement leave does not include holidays and the employer is required to pay the salary of the foreign worker in full for the duration of the leave period. 印尼文版 【Peraturan Pekerja Migran Pulang ke Tanah Air Karena Cuti Berkabung】 ▍Ada anggota keluarga dekat yang meninggal, Apakah saya boleh cuti berkabung pulang ke tanah air? Perawat rumah tangga dapat menggunakan cuti tahunan (cuti khusus) untuk cuti pulang ke tanah air. Pekerja migran sektor industri dan perawat panti jompo yang tunduk dengan Undang-Undang Standar Ketenagakerjaan, dapat mengajukan cuti berkabung berdasarkan kedekatan hubungan anggota keluarga yang meninggal, masa cuti berkabung tidak termasuk hari libur nasional dan majikan harus membayar gaji penuh. 越南文 [Quy ??nh d?nh cho lao ??ng nh?p c? xin v? n??c ch?u tang] ▍ Khi c? ng??i th?n trong gia ??nh qua ??i, t?i c? th? xin ngh? ch? ?? tang l? ??? v? n??c kh?ng? Kh?n h? c?ng gia ??nh c? th? xin ngh? ph?p ??c bi?t ??? v? n??c. Lao ??ng nh?p c? thu?c c?c ng?nh c?ng nghi?p v? kh?n h? c?ng t?i vi?n d???ng la?o, theo Lu?t Ti?u chu?n Lao ??ng c? th? xin ngh? tang ch? d?a tr?n m?i quan h? v?i ng??i th?n ?? qua ??i. Th?i gian ngh? tang ch? kh?ng bao g??m ca?c ng?y ngh? l? v? ch? s? d?ng lao ??ng v?n c?n tr? ?? l??ng. 泰文 【????????????????????????????????????????????????????】 ▍??????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????