【輪班換班休息時間】 ▍適用勞基法之移工輪班換班休息時間 Q: 我的工作需要輪班,當換班時有多少休息時間呢? A: 依據勞動基準法第34條第2條規定,輪班換班時: 至少應有連續11小時之休息時間。 因「工作特性」或「特殊原因」,經中央主管機關公告者,可在徵得工會或勞資會議同意後變更休息時間,但仍不得少於連續8小時。 英文版 【Rest time between shift changes】 ▍Rest time between shift changes for foreign workers covered by the Labor Standards Act Q: I have to work shifts for my job, how much rest time do I get between each one? A: The provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 34 of the Labor Standards Act stipulate that workers must be given a minimum of 11 continuous hours rest between shifts Rest times can be changed based on the “special nature of the work” or for “special reasons,” as announced by the Central Competent Authority and with the agreement of the union or the employer and employee, but even then the minimum rest period is 8 hours. 印尼文版 【Waktu Istirahat Peralihan Shift Kerja】 ▍Waktu istirahat shift kerja bagi pekerja migran yang tunduk dengan Undang-Undang Standar Ketenagakerjaan Q: Pekerjaan saya menggunakan shift kerja, berapa lama waktu istirahat saat peralihan shift kerja? A: Merujuk pada Undang-Undang Standar Ketenagakerjaan Pasal 34 ayat 2 mengatur: Harus mendapatkan waktu istirahat paling sedikit 11 jam. Karena “karakteristik pekerjaan” atau “alasan khusus”, otoritas kompeten pusat mengumumkan, setelah mendapatkan persetujuan serikat pekerja atau rapat koordinasi pekerja dan pemberi kerja maka waktu istirahat dapat diubah, tetapi tidak boleh berturut-turut kurang dari 8 jam 越南文版 【Th??i gian nghi? chuy??n ca】 ▍Th??i gian nghi? chuy??n ca cho ???i t???ng a?p du?ng Lu?t ti?u chu?n lao ??ng H?i: C?ng vi?c c?a t?i ph?i l?m theo ca, khi chuy??n ca t?i ???c ngh? bao l?u? ??p: Theo ?i?u 34, ?i?u 2 c?a Lu?t Ti?u chu?n Lao ??ng, khi chuy??n ca: N?n ????c ngh? ?t nh?t 11 gi? li?n t?c. Do “??c th? c?ng vi?c” ho?c “l? do ??c bi?t”, th?i gi? ngh? c? th? thay ??i sau khi c? th?ng b?o c?a c? quan c? th?m quy?n ? trung ??ng v? ???c s? ??ng ? c?a t? ch?c c?ng ?o?n ho?c h?i ngh? lao ??ng, nh?ng v??n kh?ng ???c ?t h?n 8 gi? li?n t?c. . 泰文版 【???????????????????????????????】 ▍??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Q: ?????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? A: ?????????????????????? ????? 34 ??? 2 ????? ????????????????????????????????? : ??????????????????????????????????? 11 ??. ???????? “??????????????” ?????? “???????????” ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? 8 ??.