▍夏日食物保鮮 炎炎夏日,高溫又潮溼的天氣,一不小心食物就會腐敗變質,若吃下肚更可能造成身體不適! •挑選外包裝完整的食品 乾果、穀物、豆類等盡量不購買散裝產品,並以有真空包裝者為佳 •食材外觀完整無缺損 挑選食材時應選購外型完整,若發現破損或變色,應避免購買或食用 •注意食品儲存環境溫度 盡量不購買室溫下放置的熟食,購買生鮮食品時可以善用保溫購物袋,並盡快放進冰箱冷藏或冷凍。 英文版 ▍Keeping food fresh in summer The summer months in Taiwan are very hot and humid which means food can go off quickly and cause medical issues if consumed.Always remember to store food properly: •Select foods that have external packaging When buying dried fruit, grains and beans do not purchase in bulk and where possible buy items that are vacuum packed. •Check the exterior of ingredients for defects When selecting ingredients choose those that are whole or intact and if there are any defects or discoloration do not buy or eat. •Pay close attention to the temperature in food storage areas Where possible do not buy cooked food kept at room temperature and when purchasing fresh food use an isothermic shopping bag and place the food in a refrigerator or freezer as soon as possible. 印尼文版 ▍Menjaga Kesegaran Makanan di Musim Panas Udara panas dan lembap di musim panas, jika tidak hati-hati maka kualitas makanan akan berubah dan rusak, apabila dimakan mungkin dapat membuat jatuh sakit! Anda diingatkan untuk memperhatikan penyimpanan makanan: •Pilih produk makanan dengan kemasan yang sempurna Usahakan untuk tidak membeli buah kering, biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan dan lainnya kemasan tidak tersegel, lebih baik pilih dengan kemasan kedap udara (vakum) •Penampilan luar bahan makanan yang utuh dan tidak rusak Saat memilih bahan makanan, harus membeli bentuk luar yang utuh, hindari membeli atau menyantap makanan jika rusak atau berubah warna •Perhatikan suhu tempat menyimpan makanan Usahakan untuk tidak membeli makanan matang yang diletakan di tempat terbuka dengan temperatur ruang, saat membeli makanan segar dapat menempatkannya di kantong insulasi, dan secepatnya didinginkan atau dibekukan di lemari es 越南文版 ▍B?o qu?n th?c ph?m m?a h? V?o m?a h? n?ng n?c, nhi?t ?? cao v? th?i ti?t ?m ??t, n?u kh?ng c?n th?n, th?c ?n s? ?i thiu, ?n v?o c? th? g?y ra c?c tri?u ch?ng kh? ch?u cho c? th?. Nh?c nh? b?n, b?o qu?n th?c ph?m c?n l?u ?: •Ch?n th?c ph?m bao g?i s?n C?c lo?i tr?i c?y s?y kh?, ng? c?c ..., kh?ng n?n mua lo?i kh?ng ??ng g?i s?n, t?t h?n h?t l? c? bao b? ch?n kh?ng. •B? ngo?i c?a th?c ph?m c?n nguy?n v?n v? kh?ng c? khi?m khuy?t Khi l?a ch?n, b?n n?n ch?n nh?ng lo?i c?n nguy?n v?n, n?u th?y c? d?u hi?u h? h?ng, ??i m?u th? n?n tr?nh mua ho?c ?n. •Ch? ? nhi?t ?? m?i tr??ng b?o qu?n th?c ph?m Kh?ng n?n mua th?c ph?m ?? n?u ch?n ?? ? nhi?t ?? ph?ng b?nh th??ng, khi mua th?c ph?m t??i s?ng c? th? t?n d?ng t?i mua h?ng c?ch nhi?t, v? cho v?o t? l?nh ?? l?m l?nh ho?c ??ng l?nh c?ng s?m c?ng t?t. 泰文版 ▍?????????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? : •?????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????