▎理性飲酒 勿購買、飲用來源不明之酒品 •不購買售價明顯不合理之酒品 •不網購酒品 •不購買來路不明或私釀酒品 •購買酒品請選擇合法通路,並遵守理性飲酒的原則 提醒您!飲酒過量有害身體健康 英文版 ▎Consume alcohol in moderation do not purchase or drink alcohol from unknown sources •Do not purchase unreasonably priced alcohol •Do not purchase alcohol online •Do not purchase alcohol from an unknown source or buy home-produced alcohol •Purchase alcohol through legal channels and always drink in moderation Remember, excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for your health 印尼文版 ▎Mengonsumsi Minuman Beralkohol secara bertanggung jawab tidak membeli dan meminum produk alkohol yang tidak jelas asalnya •Tidak membeli produk alkohol yang harganya tidak masuk akal •Tidak membeli produk alkohol secara online •Tidak membeli produk alkohol yang tidak jelas asalnya atau hasil racikan perorangan •Pilihlah penyalur resmi legal untuk membeli produk alkohol Anda diingatkan! Konsumsi berlebihan minuman alkohol dapat berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan! 越南文版 ▎U?ng c? tr?ch nhi?m. Kh?ng mua v? u?ng r??u, bia kh?ng r? ngu?n g?c •Kh?ng mua r???u v?i gi? kh?ng h?p l?. •Kh?ng mua r??u online. •Kh?ng mua c?c s?n ph?m r???u kh?ng r? ngu?n g?c ho?c t?? n??u. •Ch?n c?c k?nh ph?n ph??i uy ti?n, h?p ph?p khi mua r??u v? tu?n th? nguy?n t?c u?ng c? tr?ch nhi?m. Nh?c nh?? b?n! U?ng nhi?u r???u, bia c? h?i cho s?c kh?e. 泰文版 ▎??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •???????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????!?????????????????????????????????????