▎什麼是「權勢性騷擾」? 主管常常在下班之後會傳讓人不舒服的騷擾訊息,鼓起勇氣通報人資,但卻說下班時間就是私人的問題,公司無法介入處理,我到底該怎麼辦才好? 這屬於『權勢性騷擾』!只要您遭遇到以下任一情況,雇主就應積極介入處理並通報! 1.來自事業單位的同一行為人的性騷擾 2.不同事業單位但有共同作業或業務往來關係的同一行為人的性騷擾 3.最高負責人或僱用人的性騷擾 若遭遇到性騷擾情事,可撥打1955專線進行申訴! 英文版 ▎What is abuse of power sexual harrasment? After work my boss sends me messages that I find harassing and make me feel uncomfortable. I plucked up the courage to inform Human Resources, but they told me because it happens outside of work it is a personal matter and there is nothing the company can do. What can I do to make it stop? This sort of behavior is classified as “abuse of power sexual harassment.” If you encounter any of the following situations your employer should take action and report the matter: 1.Sexual harassment by the same person at a place of work 2.Sexual harassment by the same person who works at a different place but with whom you have work or business dealings 3.Sexual harassment by your ultimate boss or the person who hired you. If you encounter sexual harassment file a complaint with the 1955 hotline 印尼文版 ▎Apa yang dimaksud dengan“Pelecehan Seksual dari Pihak Yang Berkuasa” ? Setelah pulang kerja, atasan sering kali mengirimkan pesan-pesan pelecehan seksual yang membuat saya merasa tidak nyaman, haruskah memberanikan diri untuk melapor kepada personalia? Apakah kejadian setelah pulang kerja adalah masalah pribadi sehingga pihak perusahaan tidak bisa turut campur untuk menyelesaikannya? Sebenarnya apa yang bisa saya lakukan? Ini termasuk tindakan “pelecehan dari pihak yang berkuasa”! Ketika Anda mengalami salah satu situasi di bawah ini, maka majikan wajib segera mengintervensi dan melapor kepada yang berwajib! 1.Pelaku yang sama melakukan pelecehan seksual di tempat kerja. 2.Pelaku yang sama melakukan pelecehan seksual pada unit lain yang masih memiliki hubungan kerja di tempat kerja 3.Pelaku pelecehan seksual adalah penanggung jawab tertinggi atau pemberi kerja. Apabila mengalami permasalahan pelecehan seksual, dapat menghubungi saluran pengaduan 1955! 越南文版 ▎Th? n?o l? “Qu?y r?i t?nh d?c mang t?nh l?m d?ng quy?n l?c?” C?p tr?n c?a t?i th??ng xuy?n g?i tin nh?n qu?y r?i kh? ch?u sau khi tan s?, t?i l?y h?t can ??m b?o c?o v?i b? ph?n nh?n s?, nh?ng nh?n vi?n nh?n s? n?i r?ng, sau gi? tan s? l? chuy?n c? nh?n, c?ng ty kh?ng th? can thi?p. T?i ph?i l?m sao? H?nh vi n?y l? thu?c “qu?y r?i t?nh d?c mang t?nh l?m d?ng quy?n l?c”. Ch? c?n b?n g?p ph?i m?t trong nh?ng t?nh hu?ng sau ??y, ch? lao ??ng c?a b?n n?n t?ch c?c can thi?p v? th?ng b?o. 1.Qu?y r?i t?nh d?c b?i c?ng m?t ng??i t?i t? ch?c c?ng. 2.Qu?y r?i t?nh d?c b?i c?ng m?t ng??i t?i c? s? kh?c nh?ng c? chung ho?t ??ng ho?c m?i quan h? trong c?ng vi?c. 3.Qu?y r?i t?nh d?c b?i ng??i ph? tr?ch cao nh?t ho?c ng??i s? d?ng lao ??ng. N?u b? qu?y r?i t?nh d?c, b?n c? th? g?i t?i ???ng d?y n?ng 1955 ?? khi?u n?i. 泰文版 ▎???????“?????????????????????????????????”? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ???????????????? “?????????????????????????????????”! ??????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????! 1.???????????????????????????????????????????? 2.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? 1955!