▎認識A型肝炎 A型肝炎的傳染途徑 •吃到受汙染的水或食物 •接觸到感染者的糞便 •性接觸 A型肝炎容易引發急性肝炎或猛爆性肝炎,該如何預防呢? •接種A型肝炎疫苗 •避免生飲生食 •飯前廁後,肥皂洗手 •避免肛交等相關性行為 英文版 ▎Understanding Hepatitis A Hepatitis A routes of infection •Consumption of polluted food or water •Contact with the stool of an infected person •Sexual contact Hepatitis A can easily lead to acute hepatitis or fulminant hepatitis, how can these be avoided? •Get vaccinated against Hepatitis A •Avoid uncooked food and water that has not been boiled •Wash your hands before meals and after going to the bathroom •Do not engage in anal sex and other risky behavior 印尼文版 ▎Mengenal Hepatitis Tipe A Cara Penularan Hepatitis Tipe A •Mengonsumsi air atau makanan yang telah terkontaminasi. •Kontak langsung dengan feses (tinja) orang yang terinfeksi. •Kontak seksual. Hepatitis Tipe A mudah menyebabkan terjadinya hepatitis akut atau hepatitis fulminan, bagaimana cara mencegahnya? •Vaksinasi Hepatitis Tipe A •Hindari mengonsumsi makanan atau minuman mentah •Cuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan dan setelah ke toilet •Hindari perilaku seksual seperti seks anal. 越南文版 ▎T?m hi?u b?nh vi?m gan A B?nh vi?m gan A l?y truy?n qua ???ng n?o? •?n ph?i th?c ?n ho?c n??c u?ng b? ? nhi?m •Ti?p x?c v?i ph?n c?a ng??i b? nhi?m b?nh •Quan h? t?nh d?c Vi?m gan A d? d?n ??n vi?m gan c?p t?nh ho?c vi?m gan b?ng ph?t, ph?i ph?ng b?nh th? n?o? •Ti?m v?c xin ng?a vi?m gan A •Tr?nh ?n th?c ?n s?ng v? n??c u?ng ch?a ?un s?i •R?a tay b?ng x? ph?ng tr??c khi ?n v? sau khi ?i v? sinh •Tr?nh quan h? t?nh d?c qua ???ng h?u m?n ... 泰文版 ▎????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????? •???????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????