▎不可以從事許可外工作 原來這些工作不能做! A:Mary,我看拍賣網站上有很多人在賣我們家鄉的零食和雜貨,好像很好賺,我們要不要合作一起做代購? B:不可以啦,這樣算是許可外的工作,有可能被認定違反就業服務法,會被廢止聘僱許可,不能繼續在臺灣工作呢! A:這麼嚴重嗎?哪還有哪些工作是不能做的呢? B:譬如打工、網拍或擺攤等等都是不能做的喔! 依據《就業服務法》第73條第1款「為申請許可以外之雇主工作」或同條第2款「非依雇主指派即自行從事許可以外之工作」規定,將廢止該名移工的聘僱許可並即令其出國。 英文版 ▎It is illegal to engage in work not authorized by your work permit I had no idea I am not permitted to do this kind of work A:Mary, I noticed a lot of people selling our hometown snacksand sundry goods on the internet. It looks very profitable. Do you want to work together as purchasing agents? B:No way. That counts as unauthorized work that could violate the Employment Service Act and risks having our employment permits revoked and then we will not be able to continue working in Taiwan. A:It’s that serious? What other types of work are we not permitted to do? B:Having part-time jobs, selling things online and being a street vendor are illegal. In accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 73 of the Employment Service Act “working for an employer not listed on the employment permit” and “engaging in unauthorized work on one’s own initiative and not at the behest of an employer” can result in foreign workers having their employment permit revoked and being ordered to leave the country. 印尼文版 ▎Tidak Boleh Bekerja di Luar Perjanjian Kontrak Kerja Ternyata pekerjaan ini tidak boleh dilakukan! A:Mary, saya, melihat banyak orang yang menjual makanan ringan dan bahan makanan dari kampung halaman di situs on-line, sepertinya sangat menguntungkan. Kita kerja sama menjadi agen penyalur yuk? B:Jangan. Ini akan termasuk pekerjaan di luar dari perjanjian kontrak kerja, ada kemungkinan melanggar UU Layanan Ketenagakerjaan, izin kerja akan dicabut dan tidak dapat bekerja lagi di Taiwan! A:Segawat itukah?Jenis pekerjaan apa lagi yang tidak boleh dilakukan? B:Misalnya pekerjaan part time, fotografi on-line dan jualan di pinggir jalan. Semuanya tidak boleh dilakukan loh! Menurut Pasal 73 Ayat 1 UU Layanan Ketenagakerjaan, “Bekerja pada majikan atau sektor di luar dari kontrak kerja yang diajukan” atau Pasal 73 Ayat 2 “Melakukan Pekerjaan di Luar Kontrak Kerja yang Tidak Ditugaskan oleh Majikan”, maka izin kerja Pekerja Migran bersangkutan akan dicabut dan diperintahkan untuk segera meninggalkan Taiwan. 越南文版 ▎Kh?ng ???c ?i l?m tr?i H?a ra nh?ng c?ng vi?c n?y kh?ng th? l?m ???c. A:Mary, m?nh th?y c? r?t nhi?u ng??i mang ?? ?n v?t v? ?? t?p h?a t? ??t n??c c?a ch?ng m?nh sang b?n ? c?c gian h?ng online. L?i nhu?n c? v? r?t t?t. T?i m?nh c?ng h?p t?c l?m ??i l? kh?ng? B:Kh?ng ???c ??u, ??y ???c coi l? c?ng vi?c kh?ng c? gi?y ph?p, c? th? b? ph?t hi?n vi ph?m Lu?t D?ch v? vi?c l?m, nh? th? th? gi?y ph?p lao ??ng s? b? thu h?i v? b?n s? kh?ng th? ti?p t?c l?m vi?c t?i ??i Loan n?a. A:C? nghi?m tr?ng ??n th? kh?ng? V?y c?n nh?ng c?ng vi?c n?o m? ch?ng ta kh?ng ???c ph?p l?m n?a? B:C?c c?ng vi?c b?n th?i gian, b?n h?ng online, b?n h?ng tr?n v?a h? v.v… ??u kh?ng ???c ph?p. Theo m?c 1, ?i?u 73 c?a Lu?t D?ch v? vi?c l?m, “L?m vi?c cho ng??i s? d?ng lao ??ng kh?ng c? gi?y ph?p” ho?c m?c 2, ?i?u 73 “L?m m?t c?ng vi?c kh?c v?i gi?y ph?p lao ??ng m? kh?ng ???c ng??i s? d?ng lao ??ng giao” th? gi?y ph?p c?a ng??i lao ??ng nh?p c? s? b? thu h?i v? h? s? b? y?u c?u tr? v? n??c ngay l?p t?c. 泰文版 ▎??????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????? A:???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? B:???????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? A:?????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? B:??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? 73 ?????? 1 ?????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? 2 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????