▎照顧別人也要照顧自己 家庭看護如何遠離職業傷害? 家庭看護做為家中長輩的主要照顧者,在日常中需要協助長輩或失能者在病床、輪椅、廁所之間移動。因此頭頸、腰部、背部等肌肉骨骼往往會有傷害產生。 不要只使用腰部力量 •可彎膝降低重心,利用臀腿的力量協助搬運 •若需要彎腰,可用一隻手支撐身體,避免腰部受力過大,善用護具及輔具 善用護具及輔具 •可穿戴護腰、護腕等護具,可以減少受傷的風險 •可利用移位板、移位帶等工具,幫助被照護者的移位定期運動 定期運動 •維持正確運動的習慣,強壯的肌肉可以保護關節及骨骼,減少痠痛 英文版 ▎When caring for people it is important to also look after yourself - How can live-in care workers avoid occupational injuries? Live-in care workers are often a care recipient’s main provider of care and required every day to help a senior or disabled person move between their bed, wheelchair and bathroom. As such, it is not uncommon for such workers to suffer, head and neck, waist and back musculoskeletal injuries. When lifting do not place all the pressure on your waist •Bend the knees to lower your center of gravity and use the strength of your buttocks and legs when lifting a care recipient •If you do need to bend, use one arm to support your body and minimize the pressure on your waist Use protective gear and assistive devices •If necessary wear a waist protector or wrist protector to reduce risk of injury •Use a transfer board or support belt to help move a care recipient Exercise regularly •Exercise regularly as strong muscles protect your joints and skeleton, reducing soreness and pain 印尼文版 ▎Menjaga Diri Saat Bekerja Merawat Orang Lain - Apa yang perlu diperhatikan oleh perawat rumah tangga agar terhindar dari cedera akibat kerja? Perawat rumah tangga adalah pelaku utama yang merawat orang tua di rumah, bertugas membantu memindahkan orang tua atau disabilitas dari ranjang, kursi roda dan kamar mandi, sehingga otot lurik pada bagian kepala, leher, pinggang, punggung dan lainnya kerap kali mengalami cedera. Menopang beban jangan hanya memakai otot pinggang •Lutut dapat ditekuk, posisi badan agak diturunkan menggunakan kekuatan otot pinggul dan kaki untuk membantu memindahkan beban •Jika perlu membungkuk, maka gunakan satu tangan untuk menopang beban badan, agar pinggang tidak menopang beban secara berlebihan Manfaatkan alat pelindung atau alat bantu •Dapat menggunakan alat pelindung seperti korset pinggang, penyangga pergelangan tangan dan lainnya untuk mengurangi risiko cedera •Bisa menggunakan alat bantu seperti papan transfer, sabuk transfer yang berfungsi memudahkan pemindahan pasien Berolahraga secara teratur •Membiasakan diri berolahraga, melatih otot tubuh menjadi lebih kuat supaya dapat melindungi tulang dan persendian serta mengurangi rasa ngilu dan sakit. 越南文版 ▎Ch?m s?c ng??i kh?c v? c?ng ch?m s?c ch?nh m?nh - Kh?n h? c?ng gia ??nh l?m th? n?o ?? tr?nh th??ng t?ch ngh? nghi?p? Kh?n h? c?ng gia ??nh l? ng??i ch?m s?c ch?nh c?a ng??i cao tu?i trong gia ??nh, trong cu?c s?ng h?ng ng?y c?n h? tr? ng??i cao tu?i ho?c ng??i khuy?t t?t di chuy?n gi?a gi??ng b?nh, xe l?n v? nh? v? sinh, v? v?y, th??ng xuy?n x?y ra c?c ch?n th??ng ? c?, eo v? c?c c? x??ng kh?p kh?c. ??ng ch? s? d?ng s?c m?nh ? v?ng eo •C? th? cong ??u g?i ?? h? th?p tr?ng t?m, s? d?ng s?c m?nh c?a h?ng v? ch?n ?? h? tr? di chuy?n. •N?u c?n c?i xu?ng, b?n c? th? d?ng m?t tay ?? c? th? ?? tr?nh v?ng c? th?t l?ng b? k?o c?ng qu? m?c. T?n d?ng ?? b?o h? v? c?c thi?t b? h? tr? •C? th? ?eo thi?t b? b?o v? th?t l?ng, thi?t b? b?o v? c? tay v.v..., ?? l?m gi?m nguy c? ch?n th??ng •C? th? s? d?ng c?c c?ng c? nh? v?nh ?ai h? tr? ?? h? tr? ng??i ???c ch?m s?c di chuy?n. T?p th? d?c ??u ??n •Duy tr? th?i quen t?p th? d?c ??ng c?ch. C? b?p kh?e m?nh c? th? b?o v? kh?p v? x??ng v? gi?m ?au nh?c. 泰文版 ▎??????????????????????????????? - ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ??????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? •????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????