▍請勿非法打工或兼差 A:最近幾個月,幾乎都沒有加班的機會,我在群組上看到有人在招募假日打工,你要不要一起來賺外快? B:不可以啦,這樣是違法的!做違法的事情會影響我們在臺工作的權利! 提醒您,若為申請許可以外的雇主工作,將會遭到廢止聘僱許可,不能繼續在臺灣工作喔! 英文版 ▍Do not work illegally or engage in part-time work A:There hasn’t been a lot of overtime work in recent months. I saw someone in a social media group who is looking for people to work on weekends, do you want to join me and make some extra money on the side? B:No, that’s illegal and breaking the law will affect our right to work in Taiwan Remember, if you work for an employer other than the one who applied for your permit, your employment permit will be revoked and you will no longer be able to work in Taiwan 印尼文版 ▍Harap tidak bekerja atau mencari uang secara ilegal A:Hampir tidak ada kesempatan untuk lembur selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini, saya melihat di grup ada orang yang merekrut pekerja untuk hari libur, kamu ingin ikut bersama mendapatkan uang tambahan? B:Ini adalah illegal, tidak boleh lho! Bekerja ilegal dapat memengaruhi hak kerja kita di Taiwan! Anda diingatkan, jika bekerja pada pemberi kerja selain yang mengajukan izin kerja bagi Anda, mungkin izin kerja Anda akan dicabut dan tidak dapat melanjutkan bekerja lagi di Taiwan! 越南文版 ▍Kh?ng ???c ?i l?m th?m ho?c b?n th?i gian BHP A:Nh?ng th?ng g?n ??y h?u nh? kh?ng c? c? h?i l?m th?m gi?, m?nh th?y trong nh?m c? ng??i tuy?n l?m vi?c v?o ng?y ngh?, b?n c? mu?n c?ng m?nh ?i ki?m th?m ti?n kh?ng? B:Kh?ng ???c. Nh? v?y l? tr?i ph?p lu?t. L?m nh?ng vi?c tr?i ph?p lu?t s? ?nh h??ng ??n quy?n l?m vi?c t?i ??i Loan c?a ch?ng ta. Nh?c nh? b?n. N?u b?n ?i l?m nh?ng c?ng vi?c kh?ng thu?c ph?m vi c?ng vi?c trong h?p ??ng, gi?y ph?p lao ??ng c?a b?n s? b? thu h?i v? b?n s? kh?ng ???c ti?p t?c l?m vi?c ? ??i Loan. 泰文版 ▍??????????????????????????????????? A:?????????????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? B:???????? ?????????????????????!?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????! ?????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!