2 不 2 要 守則
2 不
2 要
遵守以上守則,確保飲食安全,遠離 食物中毒 的危險!
▍Four steps to avoid botulinum toxin food poisoning
Food safety is the most important factor to avoid food poisoning when eating canned good always remember the following Dos and Don’ts.
Do not eat food from a damaged can:If a food can is swollen, dented or rusted do not eat the contents.
Do not select homemade meat products:Never purchase meat from an unknown source or if it has been home cured. Homemade food is processed in an environment that is not as sterilized as that of a food plant and mistakes in the cooking process can more easily lead to botulinum toxin food poisoning.
Ensure food is properly heated:Vacuum packed food should be placed in a freezer shortly after purchase. Before being eaten it should be heated to boiling point (100°C) for a minimum of 10 minutes, to ensure harmful bacteria such as botulinum toxin is sterilized.
Ensure labeling is complete:When purchasing canned or packaged food, choose products with clear labeling and complete packaging to ensure the food is safe to consume.
Strictly follow the above rules to ensure food safety and avoid food poisoning.
▍Mencegah Botulisme Prinsip 2 Tidak 2 Harus
Keamanan pangan sangatlah penting, untuk mencegah agar tidak sampai keracunan saat menyantap makanan kaleng, harap ingat dengan prinsip “2 Tidak 2 Harus”:
2 Tidak
Tidak menyantap makanan dengan kaleng yang rusak:Harap tidak menyantap produk makanan yang situasi kalengnya menggembung, penyok atau berkarat.
Tidak memilih produk daging buatan sendiri:Hindari membeli produk daging yang tidak jelas atau mengawetkan daging sendiri, karena pemusnahan bakteri dalam produk makanan buatan sendiri tidak dapat seperti di pabrik, apabila terdapat kelalaian dalam proses pembuatan maka akan mudah menyebabkan botulisme.
2 Harus
Harus memanaskan sampai benar-benar panas:Produk makanan kemasan vakum setelah beli harus segera disimpan di lembari pendingin, dan sebelum menyantapnya harus direbus sampai mendidih (100°C) setidaknya 10 menit lebih, dengan demikian baru dapat membunuh bakteri clostridium botulinum dan bakteri-bakteri berbahaya lainnya.
Harus memastikan pelabelan yang lengkap:Saat membeli produk makanan kaleng dan kemasan, harus memilih produk dengan pelabelan yang jelas dan kemasan yang sempurna, untuk memastikan keamanan produk pangan tersebut.
Mengikuti prinsip tersebut di atas untuk memastikan keamanan pangan, menjauhkan risiko keracunan makanan
▍Ph?ng ng?a ng? ??c do Clostridium botulinum
Quy t?c 2 kh?ng 2 ph?i
An to?n th?c ph?m l? v?n ?? r?t quan tr?ng, ?? ph?ng ng?a ng? ??c th?c ph?m khi ?n ?? h?p, h?y nh? quy t?c “2 kh?ng v? 2 ph?i”:
2 kh?ng
Kh?ng ?n ?? h?p ?? h? h?ng:Kh?ng ?n n?u ?? h?p b? ph?ng, m?p ho?c r? s?t.
Kh?ng ch?n th?t t? l?m:Tr?nh mua th?t kh?ng r? ngu?n g?c ho?c t? ??p th?t, v? th?c ph?m t? l?m kh?ng th? ti?t tr?ng nh? nh? m?y, n?n n?u s? su?t trong qu? tr?nh s? ch? r?t d? g?y ng? ??c do Clostridium botulinum.
2 ph?i
Ph?i l?m n?ng k? l??ng:Th?c ph?m ??ng g?i ch?n kh?ng ph?i ???c l?m l?nh c?ng s?m c?ng t?t sau khi mua. Tr??c khi ?n ph?i ???c ?un n?ng ho?n to?n ??n s?i (100°C) trong ?t nh?t 10 ph?t, m?i c? th? ti?u di?t vi khu?n c? h?i nh? Botulinum.
Ph?i x?c nh?n ghi nh?n ??y ??:Khi mua th?c ph?m ??ng h?p, ??ng g?i, n?n ch?n nh?ng s?n ph?m c? nh?n m?c r? r?ng, bao b? ??y ??, ?? ??m b?o an to?n th?c ph?m.
H?y tu?n th? nh?ng quy t?c tr?n ????m b?o an to?n th?c ph?m v? tr?nh nguy c? ng? ??c th?c ph?m nh?!
?????????? 2 ??? 2 ????
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2 ???
????????????????????????????? :????????????????????????????? ????????????? ????????????????????
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2 ????
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