▍愛滋篩檢 在家也能自己做 若懷疑自己暴露在愛滋病毒的風險之下,我可以如何取得愛滋病自我篩檢試劑呢? 實體通路購買 自動服務機 網路訂購,超商取貨 詳情可至愛滋快速自我篩檢網站查詢 https://hiva.cdc.gov.tw/Selftest/ 或洽1955專線。 英文版 ▍Self-screening for HIV can now be done at home If I am concerned I may have contracted HIV how can I obtain an HIV self-screening test kit? A test kit can be purchased at real world retail outlets A vending machine Purchases can be made online and picked up at a local convenience store. For more information go to the HIV Rapid Self-Testing website at: https://hiva.cdc.gov.tw/Selftest/, or call the 1955 hotline. 印尼文版 【Skrining Mandiri AIDS】 ▍Skrining Mandiri AIDS Juga dapat dilakukan sendiri di rumah Jika meragukan diri Anda terpapar HIV, bagaimana mendapatkan alat skrining mandiri AIDS? Pembelian melalui saluran fisik Layanan Mesin Penjual Pemesanan online, pengambilan di toko waralaba Informasi lengkap dapat mengunjungi situs skrining mandiri cepat HIV (HIV Rapid Self-Testing): https://hiva.cdc.gov.tw/Selftest/ atau konsultasi ke Saluran Khusus 1955 越南版 ▍Xe?t nghi??m HIV c? th? th?c hi?n t?i nh? N?u nghi ng? m?nh b? ph?i nhi?m HIV, T?i pha?i l?m th?? n?o ??? co? ???c b? d?ng c? xe?t nghi??m HIV? Mua ta?i ca?c k?nh ph?n ph??i M?y ba?n ha?ng t? ??ng ??t h?ng tr?c tuy?n, l?y h?ng t?i c??a ha?ng ti??n l??i ?? bi?t th?m chi ti?t, vui l?ng truy c?p trang web T? test nhanh HIV https://hiva.cdc.gov.tw/Selftest/ ho?c go?i ???n ????ng d?y no?ng 1955. 泰文版 【??????????????????】 ▍????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? HIV ????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (https://hiva.cdc.gov.tw/Selftest/) ??????????? 1955