▎照顧工作小訣竅-協助復健 復健對於長者來說,是能維持身體機能及生活品質的重要訓練。 移工應依據醫師建議規劃,並視長者身體狀態及意願配同進行。 •復健前更換舒適衣物鞋襪及尿布 •陪同或善用復健器材 •可視情況於復健前後按摩長者的四肢 •提供陪伴與適時的鼓勵 英文版 ▎Care work tips-Helping with rehabilitation For senior care recipients, rehabilitation can help with physical functions and quality of life. Foreign care workers should follow proposals and plans made by medical professionals while also taking into consideration the physical capability and willingness of senior care recipients. •Change into comfortable clothing, footwear, and if necessary an adult diaper •Accompany senior care recipients or learn how to use the rehabilitation apparatus •Depending on the situation, massage the limbs of senior care recipients both before and after rehabilitation •Accompany senior care recipients and provide encouragement 印文版 ▎Tips pekerjaan perawatan-Membantu Terapi Terapi bagi lansia merupakan latihan yang penting guna menjaga fungsi tubuh dan kualitas hidup. Pekerja migran harus merencanakannya sesuai dengan saran dokter, serta melaksanakannya dengan meninjau kondisi tubuh dan keinginan lansia. •Menggantikan pakaian, sepatu, kaus kaki dan popok yang nyaman sebelum terapi •Menemani atau memanfaatkan peralatan terapi dengan baik •Memijat empat sendi lansia saat sebelum dan setelah terapi jika diperlukan •Menemani dan memberikan semangat 越南文版 ▎M?o nh? cho c?ng vi?c ch?m s?c-H? tr? ph?c h?i ch?c n?ng Ph?c h?i ch?c n?ng l? m?t b?i t?p quan tr?ng cho ng??i cao tu?i ?? duy tr? ch?c n?ng th? ch?t v? ch?t l??ng cu?c s?ng. Ng??i ch?m s?c n?n l?n k? ho?ch theo l?i khuy?n c?a b?c s?, v? th?c hi?n theo t?nh tr?ng th? ch?t v? s? h?p t?c c?a ng??i cao tu?i. •Thay qu?n ?o, gi?y d?p v? t? l?t tho?i m?i tr??c khi ph?c h?i ch?c n?ng. •S? d?ng t?t thi?t b? ph?c h?i ch?c n?ng. •T?y t?ng tr??ng h?p m? xoa b?p tay ch?n cho ng??i gi? tr??c v? sau ph?c h?i ch?c n?ng. •Cung c?p s? ??ng h?nh v? ??ng vi?n k?p th?i. 泰文版 ▎?????????????????????????/???????-????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ??????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????