▍認識麻疹減麻煩 近期東南亞多國麻疹疫情升溫,臺灣也出現相關 境外移入案例,提醒您留意自身健康狀況。 麻疹特性-高傳染力、多重傳染途徑(空氣、飛沫及接觸傳染)、有潛伏期(平均為14天) 常見症狀-發燒、紅疹、結膜炎、咳嗽、鼻炎 若您有相關症狀,請務必配戴口罩儘速就醫, 並告知醫護人員您的旅遊接觸史! 英文版 ▍Understanding measles Recently, there has been an increase in cases of measles in countries across Southeast Asia and imported cases in Taiwan. The Ministry of Labor urges foreign workers to pay attention to their health. Measles characteristics-Highly contagious、Multiple routes of infection (can be transmitted by air, droplets and contact)、Average incubation period of 14 days Common symptoms-Fever、Rash、Conjunctivitis、Cough、Rhinitis If you develop related symptoms please wear a face mask, seek immediate medical attention and tell medical personnel your travel and contact history. 印尼文版 ▍Mengenal Penyakit Campak dan Kurangi Permasalahan Epidemi campak di banyak negara Asia Tenggara kembali meningkat belakangan ini, Taiwan sendiri juga muncul kasus yang terbawa dari luar, Anda diingatkan untuk memperhatikan kesehatan diri. Sifat Campak-Daya penularan kuat、Berbagai ragam saluran penularan (penularan melalui udara, droplet dan kontak langsung)、Ada masa inkubasi (rata-rata 14 hari) Gejala umum-Demam、Ruam、Konjungtivitis、Batuk、Rinitis Jika Anda memiliki gejala terkait, harap segera mencari pertolongan medis dengan menggunakan masker, dan memberitahu petugas medis riwayat perjalanan dan kontak Anda! 越南文版 ▍Nh?n bi?t b?nh s?i, gi?m b?t ?u phi?n Th?i gian g?n ??y d?ch s?i ? nhi?u qu?c gia ??ng Nam ? t?ng m?nh, ??i Loan c?ng xu?t hi?n nh?ng ca b?nh l?y nhi?m t? n??c ngo?i, m?i ng??i h?y ch? ? t?nh tr?ng s?c kh?e c?a b?n th?n. ??c t?nh c?a b?nh s?i-L?y lan m?nh、L?y nhi?m qua nhi?u ???ng ( kh?ng kh?, n??c b?t v? ti?p x?c)、C? th?i gian ? b?nh (trung b?nh 14 ng?y) Tri?u ch?ng th??ng g?p-S?t、Ban ??、Vi?m k?t m?c、Ho、Vi?m m?i N?u b?n c? c?c tri?u ch?ng li?n quan, vui l?ng ?eo kh?u trang v? nhanh ch?ng ?i kh?m b?nh, ??ng th?i th?ng b?o cho nh?n vi?n y t? v? l?ch s? ti?p x?c, l?ch s? du l?ch c?a b?n! 泰文版 ▍????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????-????????????????????????? ???????、???????????????? (???????? ????????????????? ?????? ??????)、???????????? (?????? 14 ???) ??????????????-???????、????????、???????????????、??、??????? ????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????