▍為什麼急診等很久 認識檢傷分級 我身體很不舒服,雇主帶我去急診 看醫生,但為什麼明明是我先到急 診室,醫生卻先幫別人處理呢? 因為急診醫護人員會根據「檢傷分級」, 視病人傷病的狀況,優先處理較危急的患者。 若醫護人員要求您稍作等待,代表您的狀況較為穩定, 絕非醫護人員有任何歧視或不願意幫外國人看診喔! 英文版 ▍Why is it necessary to wait so long in the ER? Understanding injury classifications I felt ill so my employer took me to the emergency room , but even though I was the first patient there the doctor treated those who arrived after me first, why is that? Emergency room operations are based on “injury classifications.” This involves evaluating the situations of individual patients and prioritizing the treatment of those who face the greatest danger. If medical personnel ask you to wait, that indicates your situation is stable, it has nothing to do with discrimination or an unwillingness to treat foreign nationals. 印尼文版 ▍Mengapa saat berada di Instalasi Gawat Darurat harus menunggu lama? Kenali klasifikasi triase IGD Badan saya sangat tidak sehat, majikan membawa saya ke IGD untuk menemui dokter, tetapi mengapa dokter malah melayani pasien lain, padahal saya datang lebih awal? Karena staf medis IGD akan memprioritaskan perawatan pasien dengan kondisi yang lebih kritis, dengan merujuk kepada 「klasifikasi triase IGD」dan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi pasien yang ada. Jika staf medis meminta Anda untuk menunggu sebentar, itu berarti kondisi kesehatan Anda relatif stabil. Ini bukan berarti staf medis mendiskriminasi atau tidak mau membantu warga asing. 越南文版 ▍T?i sao ph?i ??i l?u ? khoa c?p c?u? T?m hi?u c?ch ph?n lo?i c?p c?u T?i kh?ng ???c kh?e, ch? c?a t?i ??a t?i ??n ph?ng c?p c?u ?? kh?m b?nh, nh?ng t?i sao b?c s? l?i gi?p ng??i kh?c tr??c trong khi t?i l? ng??i ??n tr??c? V? nh?n vi?n c?p c?u s? d?a theo “ph?n lo?i ch?n th??ng” v? t?y theo t?nh tr?ng th??ng t?t, b?nh t?t c?a b?nh nh?n ?? ?u ti?n x? l? b?nh nh?n nguy k?ch h?n. N?u nh?n vi?n y t? y?u c?u b?n ch? m?t t? th? c? ngh?a l? t?nh tr?ng c?a b?n t??ng ??i ?n ??nh, ch? kh?ng ph?i l? nh?n vi?n y t? k? th? hay kh?ng c? thi?n ch? gi?p ?? ng??i n??c ngo?i nh?! 泰文版 ▍???????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ????? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? “????????????????”?????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!