▍本土猴痘 心 ing 接種疫苗定下心 1.近1年有風險性行為者、過去曾感染性病或 性接觸對象有前述任一情形者,請接種猴痘疫苗 2.接種2劑保護力達 9 成 保護自己也保護親密接觸的人 3.免登記 直接至醫療院所 預約掛號 英文版 ▍Get vaccinated for Mpox! WHO 1. Individuals who have engaged in risky sexual behavior in the past year. 2. Those who have had sexually transmitted diseases. 3. Individuals who have a sexual partner with any of the above risks. WHY Getting two doses provides 90% protection against Mpox and helps protect you and people who come into close contact with you. HOW You can make an appointment directly with the hospital to get vaccinated. 印尼文版 ▍Mpox lokal masih tetap ada pastikan menerima vaksinasi WHO Orang yang dalam waktu satu tahun terakhir melakukan perilaku seksual beresiko tinggi, memiliki riwayat penyakit seksual, atau melakukan kontak seksual dengan salah satu pihak yang disebutkan di atas, harap lakukan vaksinasi Mpox WHY Vaksinasi dua dosis bisa mencapai tingkat perlindungan 90%, lindungi diri Anda dan orang yang melakukan kontak intim dengan Anda HOW Pendaftaran gratis, langsung ke institusi medis membuat janji pendaftaran 越南文版 ▍B?nh ??u m?a khi ?ang l?y lan ti?m v?c-xin r?i t?m y?n an WHO Nh?ng ng??i c? h?nh vi t?nh d?c c? nguy c? trong 1 n?m g?n ??y, ng??i ?? t?ng b? nhi?m c?c b?nh t?nh d?c ho?c ng??i c? ??i t?c t?nh d?c c? b?t k? t?nh tr?ng n?o k? tr?n, h?y ti?m ngay v?c-xin ??u m?a kh? WHY Ti?m ?? 2 m?i th? kh? n?ng b?o v? l?n ??n 90%, b?o v? ch?nh m?nh v? c?ng l? b?o v? nh?ng ng??i ti?p x?c g?n g?i HOW Kh?ng c?n ??ng k?, ch? c?n ??n th?ng c?c c? s? y t? ?? ??t l?ch h?n v? l?y s? th? t? 泰文版 ▍??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? WHO ????????????????????????? 1 ??????????? ????????????? ?????????????????? ????? ????????????? ????? ????? ????????????????? WHY ???????????? 2 ????????????????????????????? 90% ????????????????????????????????????????????? HOW ????????????????, ????????????????????? ?????????????????????