▍家事移工照顧工作 身體?潔工作 家事移工在照護長輩洗澡時, 應尊重長輩個人隱私及意願, 提供長輩應有的協助與鼓勵。 預防、降低長輩在浴室滑倒的風險, 可善用洗澡椅、鋪上止滑腳踏墊,並留意移動速度。 避免水溫過熱及保持視線與燈光明亮, 要隨時注意長輩安全。 英文版 ▍Care work by live-in foreign care workers-Bathing care recipients When a care worker helps a senior bathe, it is important to respect the privacy and willingness of the individual while providing any necessary assistance and encouragement. In order to prevent and reduce the likelihood of a senior slipping in the bathroom use a bath chair and non-slip floor mats, while also ensuring the care recipient does not make any rapid movements. Make sure the water is not too hot, maintain eye contact and ensure the bathroom is well lit, so the care worker is always focused on the safety of the senior care recipient. 印尼文版 ▍Pekerjaan Perawatan Pekerja Migran Rumah Tangga-Membersihkan Tubuh Saat pekerja migran membersihkan tubuh lansia yang dirawatnya, Anda harus menghormati privasi dan keinginan lansia, memberikan bantuan dan dukungan yang diperlukan lansia. Untuk mencegah dan mengurangi risiko lansia terpeleset di kamar mandi, dapat menggunakan bangku mandi, pasang alas kaki anti selip, dan perhatikan kecepatan gerak. Hindari suhu air terlalu panas dan jaga penerangan cahaya yang cukup, serta senantiasa memperhatikan keselamatan lansia. 越南文版 ▍Lao ??ng nh?p c? l?m vi?c t?i gia ??nh-C?ng vi?c v? sinh c? th? Khi ch?m s?c ng??i cao tu?i t?m r?a, ng??i lao ??ng n?n t?n tr?ng quy?n ri?ng t? v? ? mu?n c?a ng??i cao tu?i, v? cung c?p cho h? s? h? tr? v? khuy?n kh?ch th?ch ??ng. ?? ng?n ng?a v? gi?m thi?u nguy c? ng??i cao tu?i b? tr??t ng? trong ph?ng t?m, b?n c? th? t?n d?ng gh? t?m, tr?i t?m th?m ch?ng tr?n tr??t v? ch? ? ??n t?c ?? di chuy?n. Tr?nh ?? nhi?t ?? n??c qu? n?ng v? lu?n ?? ??n s?ng, ??ng th?i lu?n ch? ? ??n s? an to?n c?a ng??i cao tu?i. 泰文版 ▍???????????????????????-????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????