▎當心是毒不是藥 勿輕信來路不明藥物 標榜快速瘦身的「減肥藥」、能夠更專注或提神的的「聰明藥」, 各種令人心動的行銷用語,都可能暗藏毒品陷阱。 這類產品常以違禁藥物成分來 達到抑制食慾或提神的效果, 短期內就能看見明顯的效果, 但受害者往往在不知情的情況下 染上毒癮,不僅傷身也違法! 英文版 ▎Make sure you are taking medicine not narcotics be wary of medication from an unknown source “Slimming medication” advertised as quick working or “smart medicine” that helps users focus or gives them a lift or makes other eye-catching claims could contain narcotics. Products such as these often use prohibited drugs as ingredients to suppress the appetite or provide a pick me up. In the short term they might provide positive results, but individuals can become addicted without noticing. This is not only bad for your health it is also illegal. 印尼文 ▎Waspada, Itu Adalah Racun Bukan Obat Jangan menganggap remeh obat yang tidak jelas asalnya “Obat Penurun Berat Badan” dapat menurunkan berat badan dengan cepat, “Obat Pintar” yang dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi dan semangat, atau berbagai macam istilah pemasaran yang menarik hati orang, mungkin menyembunyikan racun di dalamnya. Produk semacam ini sering menggunakan bahan obat terlarang untuk menekan nafsu makan atau membangkitkan semangat, dalam waktu singkat kelihatan memberikan hasil yang jelas, tetapi sering kali tanpa disadari, korban menjadi kecanduan narkoba, yang tidak saja berbahaya bagi kesehatan tubuh, juga melanggar hukum! 越南文版 ▎H?y th?n tr?ng, ?? l? ma t?y ch? kh?ng ph?i thu?c ??ng d? d?ng tin v?o thu?c kh?ng r? ngu?n g?c C?c thu?t ng? trong marketing thu h?t kh?ch h?ng nh? l? “Thu?c gi?m c?n” c? th? gi?m c?n nhanh ch?ng, “thu?c th?ng minh” c? th? c?i thi?n s? t?p trung ho?c l?m cho ??u ?c t?nh t?o, ?? r?t c? th? l? c?m b?y c?a ma t?y. Nh?ng s?n ph?m nh? v?y th??ng s? d?ng c?c th?nh ph?n ma t?y b?t h?p ph?p ?? ?c ch? c?m gi?c th?m ?n ho?c l?m s?ng kho?i tinh th?n, trong th?i gian ng?n c? th? nh?n th?y t?c d?ng r?t r? r?t, nh?ng n?n nh?n ?? nghi?n ma t?y m? kh?ng h? hay bi?t, ?i?u n?y kh?ng ch? c? h?i cho c? th? m? c?n ph?m ph?p. 泰文版 ▎????? ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? “????????????”???????????????????????????“???????????”???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????