▎遲發薪資 雇主發薪日期不固定,常常遲發或少發該怎麼辦? 剛進公司的時候約定每個月5日發薪,但老闆常常晚發或分次發放薪資,我該怎麼辦呢? 現行勞基法或工作契約,均對發薪日及數額有明確的規定,如果雇主片面晚發、遲發或少發薪資,都是不合法的!移工若遇到此種情形,可以透過1955專線進行申訴,以利追回應得的薪資喔。 英文版 ▎Delayed payment of salary If an employer does not designate a fixed day on which to pay employee salaries, or when paying salaries frequently does so late or underpays what should foreign workers do? When I first arrived at the company it was decided that my salary would be paid on the fifth day of each month, but the boss often pays salaries late or in installments, what should I do? Both the Labor Standards Act and labor contract contain clear provisions on the date salaries should be paid and the amount of such salaries. It is illegal for an employer to unilaterally pay salaries late, delay payment or underpay workers. If a foreign worker encounters such a situation he/she should call the 1955 hotline and file a complaint 印尼文版 ▎Pembayaran Gaji Terlambat Pemberi kerja membayar gaji tidak pada waktu yang tetap, sering terlambat atau kurang, saya harus bagaimana? Pada saat pertama kali masuk bekerja, Perusahaan berjanji bahwa gaji diberikan pada tanggal 5 setiap bulannya, tetapi bos sering terlambat atau mencicil pembayaran gaji, saya harus bagaimana? Pada Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan atau kontrak kerja saat ini memiliki peraturan yang jelas tentang tanggal dan jumlah gaji, jika pembayaran gaji dari pemberi kerja tertunda, terlambat atau jumlahnya kurang, maka ini semua melanggar peraturan! Jika pekerja migran menghadapi situasi seperti tersebut di atas, maka dapat mengajukan banding melalui saluran khusus 1955 untuk mendapatkan gaji yang layak Anda terima. 越南文版 ▎Tra? l??ng ch??m T?i pha?i la?m th?? na?o n?u ng?y tr? l??ng kh?ng c? ??nh va? ti?n l??ng th??ng b? tr? ch?m ho?c tr? thi?u? Khi m?i v?o c?ng ty, t?i ????c th?ng ba?o se? ????c tr? l??ng c?? ?i?nh va?o nga?y 5 h?ng th?ng, nh?ng chu? th??ng xuy?n tr? l??ng ch?m ho?c chi tra? tha?nh nhi??u l??n, t?i ph?i l?m sao? Lu??t ti?u chu?n lao ??ng hay la? h?p ??ng lao ??ng hi?n h?nh ??u c? quy ??nh r? r?ng v? ng?y tra? l??ng v? s? ti?n, vi?c chu? thu? ??n ph??ng tr? ho?n, tr? ch?m ho??c tr? thi??u l? vi ph?m ph?p lu?t! N?u ba?n g?p ph?i t?nh hu?ng nh? v?y thi? c? th? go?i ???n ???ng d?y no?ng 1955 ?? khi??u na?i, ??i l?i ti?n l??ng m? ba?n ??ng ???c nh?n. 泰文版 ▎??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? 5 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????! ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? 1955 ????????????????????????????????????????????????