▎飲水安全 炎熱的夏天要多補充水分!但是喝水也要挑對水,才能解渴又安全 •避免生飲自來水、山泉水或井水 •飲用水應煮沸後再使用 •使用公眾飲水機,應留意是否有張貼定期維護表及水質合格檢測報告 英文版 ▎Drinking water safety During the hot summer months it is important to remain hydrated, but be sure to drink the right water to stay healthy •Do not directly drink tap water, spring water or well water •Only drink water after it has been boiled •When using a public water dispenser pay attention to whether there is a notice indicating regular maintenance work and confirming the water has been tested and is drinkable 印尼文版 ▎Keamanan Air Minum Hawa panas di musim panas, harus memperbanyak asupan air minum! Namun, juga perlu memilih air yang tepat, dengan demikian baru dapat menghilangkan dahaga juga aman untuk diminum. •Jangan meminum air mentah dari keran, sumber mata air gunung atau air sumur •Air minum harus dimasak sampai mendidih baru diminum •Saat menggunakan air dari mesin air minum umum, maka harus memerhatikan apakah terpasang lembaran laporan perawatan dan pengujian kualitas air rutin. 越南文版 ▎N??c u?ng an to?n V?o m?a h? n?ng b?c ph?i b? sung n??c ??y ??.Nh?ng ph?i ch?n ??ng n??c u?ng m?i c? t?c d?ng gi?i kh?t v? an to?n. •Kh?ng n?n u?ng n??c th?, n??c su?i ho?c n??c gi?ng. •N??c u?ng ph?i ???c ?un s?i tr??c khi s? d?ng. •Khi s? d?ng c?y n??c u?ng c?ng c?ng, n?n ch? ? xem c? d?n phi?u b?o tr? ??nh k? v? b?o c?o ki?m tra ch?t l??ng n??c hay kh?ng. 泰文版 ▎???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????