▎期滿續聘或轉換雇主 仲介均不得向移工收取仲介費 A:合約期滿想要轉換雇主,仲介跟我說因為要幫我媒合新雇主,所以要再跟我收1個月薪資的仲介費用,這是合法的嗎? B:當然不合法!無論移工是期滿轉換或是期滿續聘,依據法規,仲介機構僅能向移工收取服務費且明定金額,在第3年後每月不得超過新臺幣1500元 若您對仲介機構收費內容有任何疑問,可撥打1955專線進行諮詢 英文版 ▎Labor brokerages are not permitted to charge foreign workers for services related to contract completion employment continuation or employer transfers A:When my contract ends I want to change employers but the labor brokerage told me they will charge one month’s salary to help me find a new employer. Is that legal? B:o that is illegalWhether a foreign worker seeks a contract completion transfer or employment continuation, the law in Taiwan stipulates that the labor brokerage can only charge the worker a service fee and a clearly stipulated amount, which after the third year of work cannot exceed NT$1,500 per month. If you have any questions about the fees charged by your labor brokerage call the 1955 Hotline for a consultation 印尼文版 ▎Melanjutkan Kontrak atau Ganti Majikan saat Kontrak Kerja Habis Agensi Tidak Boleh Membebankan Biaya Agensi Kepada Pekerja Migran A:Saya ingin ganti majikan saat kontrak kerja habis, tetapi agensi bilang akan membebankan biaya agensi sebesar 1 bulan gaji karena membantu saya mencarikan majikan baru, apakah ini legal? B:Tentu saja ini illegal!Tidak peduli pekerja migran yang ganti majikan atau memperpanjang kontrak kerja saat kontrak kerja habis, berdasarkan peraturan agensi hanya dapat membebankan biaya layanan agensi yang jumlahnya dinyatakan dengan jelas kepada pekerja migran, dan setelah memasuki tahun ketiga maka biaya perbulannya tidak boleh melebihi NT$1.500 Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan mengenai biaya yang dibebankan oleh agensi, silakan menghubungi Saluran Khusus 1955 untuk konsultasi 越南文版 ▎C?ng ty m?i gi?i kh?ng ???c ph?p thu ph? m?i gi?i v?i ng??i lao ??ng khi h? ???c ??i ch? ho?c ???c ti?p t?c tuy?n d?ng sau khi h?t h?p ??ng. A:Sau khi h?p ??ng h?t h?n, t?i mu?n ??i ch? thu?, c?ng ty n?i v?i t?i r?ng, v? ph?i gi?p t?i t?m ch? m?i n?n h? s? thu ph? m?i gi?i v?i s? ti?n c?a m?t th?ng l??ng, nh? v?y c? h?p ph?p kh?ng? B:T?t nhi?n l? kh?ng h?p ph?p! B?t k? ng??i lao ??ng ??i ch? hay ???c gia h?n khi h?t h?n h?p ??ng, theo quy ??nh, c?ng ty m?i gi?i ch? c? th? thu ph? d?ch v? t? ng??i lao ??ng nh?p c? v?i s? ti?n ?? ???c quy ??nh r?, sau n?m th? 3, m?i th?ng kh?ng ???c thu qu? 1.500 ??i t?. N?u c? th?c m?c v? m?c ph? m?i gi?i, b?n c? th? g?i t?i ???ng d?y n?ng 1955 ?? ???c t? v?n. 泰文版 ▎????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A:??????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? 1 ????? ??????????????????????????????? B:???????????! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? 3 ????????? ??????????????????????????????? 1,500 ????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????1955