▍對抗流感該如何做? ??施打流感疫苗,增加保護力 ??勤洗手、戴口罩,養成良好衛生習慣 ??保持室內空氣流通 ??警覺流感症狀,及早就醫治療 提醒您:符合公費流感疫苗身分,如孕婦、長照機構及禽畜業工作人員者,請儘速預約施打流感疫苗唷 英文版 ▍How best to combat influenza? ?? Get a flu shot to boost natural protection ?? Wash your hands, wear a face mask, maintain rigorous personal hygiene habits ?? Ensure good indoor ventilation ?? Be alert for flu like symptoms and seek treatment as soon as possible Individuals who are eligible for free flu shots include pregnant women, those who work in long-term care institutions and the livestock sector. Make an appointment to receive a free flu shot today. 印尼文版 ▍ Bagaimana mencegah agar tidak tertular influenza ? ?? Menerima vaksin influenza, untuk menambah perlindungan diri ?? Rajin cuci tangan, memakai masker, membiasakan diri hidup higienis ?? Menjaga sirkulasi udara dalam ruangan ?? Waspadai gejala influenza, berobat semenjak dini Pengingat Anda: Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan vaksinasi dana publik, seperti wanita hamil, petugas yang bekerja di institusi perawatan jangka panjang dan industri peternakan unggas, mohon segera melakukan reservasi untuk vaksinasi influenza. 越南文版 ▍L?m th? n?o ?? pho?ng ch??ng b?nh c?m? ?? Ti?m ph?ng c?m ?? t?ng kha? n?ng ba?o v??. ?? R?a tay th??ng xuy?n, ?eo kh?u trang v? h?nh th?nh th?i quen v? sinh t?t. ?? Gi?? cho kh?ng khi? trong nh? ????c l?u th?ng. ?? C?nh gi?c v?i c?c tri?u ch?ng c?m v? ?i?u tr? y t? c?ng s?m c?ng t?t. Nh?c nh?: Nh?ng ng??i ??p ?ng ?? ?i?u ki?n ti?m v?c xin c?m mi??n phi?, ch?ng h?n nh? ph? n? mang thai, nh?n vi?n la?m vi??c ta?i c? s? ch?m s?c d?i h?n v? la?m vi??c trong ng?nh ch?n nu?i, ha?y ??t l?ch h?n ti?m ph?ng c?m c?ng s?m c?ng t?t. 泰文版 ▍??????????????????????????????? ?? ??????????????????????????? ???????????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????????? ??????????????????????? ?? ????????????????????????????? ?? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????? : ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????