▎照顧工作小訣竅-藥物服用及保存 阿公因為有慢性病,每天都要固定吃好幾種粒狀的藥,作為家庭看護該如何協助阿公正確服藥呢? .粒狀的藥物應搭配溫開水服用 .記錄用藥時間及方法 .保留藥袋及原包裝,不隨意分裝 .一般藥品只需存放於室溫下且避免陽光直射;除非藥袋或容器有特別標示,才要冷藏。 英文版 ▎Care work tips-how to use and take care of medication Grandpa has a chronic illness and needs to take a lot of medication at set times every day. As a care worker how can I best ensure he takes the right medicines at the right times? .Tablets should be taken with warm boiled water .Record when and how medication is taken .Retain the medication bag and original packaging, do not sub-package medicines .Most medication can be kept at room temperature as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight; Other than where the medication bag or container otherwise instructs do not refrigerate medicine. 印尼文版 ▎Tips Kerja Perawatan-Penggunaan dan Penyimpanan Obat Kakek menderita penyakit kronis dan harus mengonsumsi beberapa jenis obat dalam bentuk pil setiap hari. Sebagai perawat rumah tangga, bagaimana Anda dapat membantu kakek untuk mengonsumsi obat dengan benar? .Obat berbentuk pil/kaplet sebaiknya dikonsumsi dengan air hangat. .Catat waktu dan cara penggunaan obat. .Simpan dalam kemasan asli dan jangan mengganti wadah sembarangan. .Kebanyakan obat hanya perlu disimpan pada suhu ruangan dan terhindar dari sinar matahari langsung; simpan di tempat yang dingin jika ada indikasi khusus pada kemasan atau wadah obat. 越南文版 ▎L?i khuy?n d?nh cho ch?m s?c vi?n-U?ng thu?c v? b?o qu?n thu?c V? ?ng c? m?c b?nh m?n t?nh n?n m?i ng?y ?ng ph?i u?ng nhi?u lo?i thu?c d?ng h?t, t?i l? kh?n h? c?ng gia ??nh, l?m th? n?o ?? gi?p ?ng c? u?ng thu?c ??ng c?ch? .Thu?c d?ng h?t n?n u?ng v?i n??c ?m. .Ghi l?i th?i gian u?ng thu?c v? c?ch d?ng. .Gi? l?i c?c t?i thu?c v? bao b? g?c, kh?ng t? ? chia ra nhi?u bao b?. .C?c lo?i thu?c th?ng th??ng ch? c?n b?o qu?n ? nhi?t ?? ph?ng, tr?nh ?nh n?ng tr?c ti?p, ngo?i tr? nh?ng lo?i thu?c ???c d?n nh?n ??c bi?t tr?n t?i thu?c ho?c l? ??ng thu?c, m?i c?n b?o qu?n trong ng?n m?t c?a t? l?nh. 泰文版 ▎????????????????????????????????-???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? .???????????????????????????? .??????????????????????????? .?????????????????????????????? ????????????????? .?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????