▎工作與休息時間平衡 因為要配合阿嬤的作息,每天都很早起床,休息的時候想小睡一下,但怕太太以為我在偷懶,該怎麼辦才好? 家庭看護因為工作性質特殊,建議可以和雇主溝通明確的工作及休息時間的區間,就能避免雙方認知不同而產生的誤解。 •休息時間休息,工作時間就認真完成既定的工作項目 •如果要請假須提前告知,方便雇主安排替代的照顧人力 英文版 ▎Balancing work and rest times Because I have to follow grandma’s daily routine, I get up really early every morning. However, whenever I get to rest that means I always feel like falling asleep but I’m scared my employer will think I’m lazy, what can I do? Because of the special nature of care work, care workers should talk to their employers about the need for clearly demarcated work and rest times to avoid misunderstandings. •Rest at rest times, work hard to complete all designated tasks during work times. •If you want to take leave provide advanced warning so the employer can more easily arrange a substitute care worker 印尼文版 ▎Keseimbangan Waktu Kerja dan Istirahat Karena harus menyesuaikan jadwal tidur nenek, saya selalu bangun sangat pagi setiap hari. Saya ingin tidur sebentar saat waktu istirahat, tapi takut nanti dikira sedang malas-malasan oleh majikan. Apa yang sebaiknya saya lakukan? Pelayanan perawatan di rumah memiliki sifat pekerjaan yang khusus, maka disarankan untuk berkomunikasi dengan majikan mengenai jangka waktu kerja dan istirahat yang jelas, guna menghindari kesalahpahaman yang mungkin saja timbul akibat persepsi yang berbeda antara kedua belah pihak. •Beristirahatlah saat jam istirahat, dan kerjakanlah tugas-tugas dengan serius selama jam kerja. •Jika ingin izin libur, sebaiknya beri tahu majikan terlebih dahulu guna memudahkan mereka dalam mengatur tenaga perawat pengganti. 越南文版 ▎C?n b?ng gi?a th?i gian l?m vi?c v? ngh? ng?i V? ph?i ph?i h?p v?i gi? gi?c c?a b? c? n?n ng?y n?o t?i c?ng d?y r?t s?m, trong gi? ngh? t?i mu?n ch?p m?t m?t l?t, nh?ng s? b? ch? t??ng t?i l??i, t?i ph?i l?m sao ?? Do t?nh ch?t ??c bi?t c?a c?ng vi?c kh?n h? c?ng t?i gia ??nh, b?n n?n trao ??i v?i ng??i ch? v? khung th?i gian l?m vi?c v? ngh? ng?i r? r?ng, c? th? tr?nh ???c nh?ng hi?u l?m do nh?n th?c kh?c nhau gi?a hai b?n g?y ra. •Ngh? ng?i trong gi? ngh?, trong gi? l?m vi?c th? ph?i ch?m ch? ho?n th?nh c?ng vi?c c?a m?nh. •N?u c?n ngh? ph?p th? ph?i b?o tr??c cho ch?, ?? ch? b? tr? ng??i ch?m s?c thay th?. 泰文版 ▎???????????????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? 1 ??????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????