▎冬季天氣溫差大,照顧長輩要當心 臺灣冬季日夜溫差大容易誘發心血管疾病發作。家庭看護在照顧長輩時,要特別留意幫長輩做好保暖抗寒措施唷! 抗寒 5 招 •慢 : 起身避免太快太急 •熱 : 保暖衣物可隨手取得 •起 : 起床前先在床上活動四肢 •穿 : 穿著保暖 •行 : 起床行動前,先補充溫開水暖暖身體 英文版 ▎In winter the temperature differential can be large and care workers need to be particularly careful when looking after seniors In Taiwan the difference in temperature between daytime and nighttime can trigger cardiovascular disease episodes. When looking after seniors, live-in care workers should make sure they keep warm at all times Five ways to keep seniors warm •SLOW : Do not stand up too quickly •WARM : Always have warm clothes nearby •GETTING UP : Before getting out of bed seniors should move their arms and legs to aid circulation •DRESSING : Wrap up to keep warm •MOVEMENT : After getting out of bed seniors should drink warm water to heat up their body before moving about 印尼文版 ▎Musim Dingin, perbedaan suhu udara sangat besar harus berhati-hati saat merawat lansia Perbedaan suhu udara siang dan malam yang sangat besar di musim dingin Taiwan, mudah mengakibatkan kambuhnya penyakit kardiovaskular. Perawat rumah tangga ketika merawat lansia harus memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap ketahanan melawan dingin dan menjaga kehangatan tubuh. 5 Cara melawan hawa dingin •Perlahan : Jangan terburu-buru dan terlalu cepat berdiri saat baru bangun •Hangatkan : Siapkan pakaian hangat yang mudah terjangkau untuk dipakai setiap saat •Bangun : Gerakan kaki dan tangan di ranjang terlebih dulu sebelum bangun dari ranjang. •Pakai : Memakai pakaian hangat •Beraktivitas : Sebelum bangun tidur dan beraktivitas, minum air hangat terlebih dulu untuk menghangatkan tubuh 越南文版 ▎M?a ??ng nhi?t ?? ch?nh l?ch l?n,h?y c?n th?n ch?m s?c ng??i cao tu?i S? ch?nh l?ch nhi?t ?? l?n gi?a ng?y v? ??m v?o m?a ??ng ? ??i Loan d? g?y t?i ph?t c?c b?nh v? tim m?ch. Khi ch?m s?c ng??i cao tu?i, kh?n h? c?ng gia ??nh c?n ??c bi?t ch? ? gi?p ng??i cao tu?i gi? ?m, ch?ng r?t nh?! 5 c?ch ch?ng r?t •Ch?m : Tr?nh ??ng d?y qu? nhanh, qu? v?i v?ng •N?ng : ?? s?n qu?n ?o ?m, c?n l? c? ngay •Kh?i : V?n ??ng ch?n tay tr?n gi??ng tr??c khi b??c xu?ng gi??ng •M?c : M?c sao cho ?? ?m •H?nh : Tr??c khi b??c xu?ng gi??ng, n?n u?ng n??c ?m ?? c? th? n?ng l?n 泰文版 ▎??????? ??????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????! 5 ?????????????????????????? •??? : ??????????? ????????????????????????? •???? : ????????????????????????????????????????????????? •??? : ????????????????????????????????????????????? •??? : ?????????????????????????????? •?????????? : ??????????????????????????????????????????????????