▎收到逾期繳費通知簡訊?當心是詐騙 近期有詐騙集團假借電信業者、公家機關、罰單或是停車費到期繳費通知等名義發送逾期繳費通知簡訊。 若您有收到類似簡訊,切勿直接點選或操作不明網址,可透過官方網站或管道再次進行查證,以免個資遭到外洩或權益受損。 英文版 ▎Have you received a late payment text messagea? Be aware it could be a scam Recently, scam gangs have been sending late payment text messages in the name of telecommunications operators and public sector agencies, for fines, parking fees and other payments. If you receive this type of text message do not directly click or go to an unknown URL. First confirm the validity of the message through an official website or channel to avoid the leaking of personal information and protect your rights and interests. 印尼文版 ▎Menerima SMS Pemberitahuan Keterlambatan Pembayaran? Hati-Hati Penipuan Belakangan ini ada sindikat penipuan yang mengirimkan pemberitahuan keterlambatan pembayaran lewat SMS dengan mengatasnamakan penyedia layanan telekomunikasi, institusi pemerintah, pemberitahuan denda, atau pembayaran parkir yang jatuh tempo. Jika Anda menerima SMS seperti itu, jangan langsung klik atau mengoperasikan tautan yang tidak jelas. Anda dapat melakukan verifikasi melalui situs ataupun saluran resmi lainnya, guna menghindari kebocoran informasi pribadi atau kerugian pada hak Anda. 越南文版 ▎Nh?n ???c tin nh?n th?ng b?o qu? h?n thanh to?n? H?y coi ch?ng ?? l? m?t tr? l?a ??o G?n ??y, c?c nh?m l?a ??o gi? m?o c?ng ty vi?n th?ng, c? quan nh? n??c g?i tin nh?n th?ng b?o qu? h?n n?p c?c kho?n nh? gi?y ph?t ti?n, ph? ?? xe. N?u b?n nh?n ???c tin nh?n t??ng t?, kh?ng n?n tr?c ti?p nh?p v?o ho?c thao t?c t?i ??a ch? trang web kh?ng r? ngu?n g?c. B?n c? th? ki?m tra l?i th?ng qua trang web ho?c k?nh ch?nh th?c ?? tr?nh th?ng tin c? nh?n b? r? r? ho?c b? thi?t h?i quy?n v? l?i ?ch c?a m?nh. 泰文版 ▎????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? URL ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????