▍小心 AI 仿聲詐騙
請不要上當,這是一個AI仿聲詐騙案件,他們利用AI技術模擬您女兒的聲音進行詐騙,騙取您的信任和金錢,為了防範這類AI仿聲詐騙,請記住以下 3 大守則:
▍Do not be deceived by scammers using an AI generated voice
A:Hello, who is calling please?
B:(AI generated daughter’s voice)Mom, it’s me. I’ve been kidnapped. If you don’t pay a ransom they won’t release me. Save me.
A:What? Where are you?
B:If you don’t send the money now, you will never see me again.
Do not be duped, this is an AI generated voice used by a scam gang that mimics the voice of your daughter to deceive you into paying a ransom. In order to avoid being deceived in this way follow three steps:
1.Filter calls and reject those from unknown numbers:Be vigilant about accepting calls from unknown numbers. If the caller pretends to know you be especially careful.
2.Don’t talk or say as little as possible to prevent your voice being recorded and imitated:When talking to a stranger do not reveal too much information about yourself to prevent your voice being recorded and imitated.
3.Pause the call and verify whether it is real:If you receive a suspicious phone call, immediately pause the call and try to contact the person allegedly calling you to determine whether you are being scammed.
▍Hati-hati Tertipu dengan Peniruan Suara AI
A:Hallo, siapa ini?
B:(Belaga seperti suara anak kecil perempuan) Ibu, ini saya! Saya diculik, mereka mau uang tebusan, cepat tolong saya!
A:Apa? Kamu di mana?
B:Cepat transfer uang, kalau tidak anak perempuanmu akan mati!
Harap jangan tertipu, ini adalah sebuah kasus penipuan dengan peniruan suara dari AI, mereka menggunakan teknologi AI meniru suara anak perempuan Anda untuk menipu kepercayaan dan uang Anda. Guna mencegah penipuan dengan peniruan suara dari AI, harap mengingat 3 langkah utama berikut:
1.Seleksi dan tolak panggilan telepon tak dikenal:Harap berhati-hati saat menerima panggilan telepon tak dikenal. Harus lebih berhati-hati lagi kalau sang penelepon belaga akrab.
2.Bicara sedikit atau tidak bicara untuk mencegah penyadapan suara:Ketika berbicara telepon dengan orang yang tidak dikenal,jangan memberikan informasi pribadi, untuk menghindari penyadapanan dan peniruan.
3.Tunda panggilan telepon untuk mengonfirmasikan kebenaran:Jika menerima panggilan telepon yang mencurigakan, maka seharusnya segera tunda panggilan telepon tersebut dan langsung menghubungi orang yang bersangkutan untuk mengonfirmasi kebenaran
▍C?nh gi?c v?i tr? l?a ??o b?ng AI l?m gi? gi?ng n?i
A:A l?, xin h?i ai ? ??u d?y b?n kia ??
B:(Gi? gi?ng con g?i)M? ?i, con ??y! Con b? b?t c?c, h? mu?n ti?n chu?c, mau c?u con m? ?i!
A:C?i g?? Con ? ??u?
B:Mau ?i chuy?n ti?n, n?u kh?ng con g?i b? s? ch?t!
Xin ??ng ?? b? l?a, ??y l? m?t tr??ng h?p l?a ??o b?ng AI l?m gi? gi?ng n?i. H? s? d?ng c?ng ngh? AI ?? m? ph?ng gi?ng n?i c?a con g?i b?n ?? th?c hi?n h?nh vi l?a ??o, l?a g?t l?ng tin c?ng nh? ti?n b?c c?a b?n. ?? ng?n ch?n ki?u l?a ??o b?ng AI l?m gi? gi?ng n?i n?y, h?y nh? 3 quy t?c sau:
1.S?ng l?c v? kh?ng nghe cu?c g?i t? m?t s? kh?ng quen bi?t:??i v?i cu?c g?i t? m?t s? kh?ng quen bi?t, h?y th?n tr?ng khi tr? l?i. N?u ng??i kia gi? v? quen bi?t, h?y c?n th?n h?n n?a.
2.Kh?ng n?i g? v? n?i ?t,?? tr?nh b? ??nh c?p gi?ng n?i:Khi n?i chuy?n ?i?n tho?i v?i ng??i l?, ??ng ti?t l? qu? nhi?u th?ng tin c? nh?n, ?? tr?nh b? ghi ?m b?t ch??c.
3.T?m d?ng cu?c g?i x?c nh?n t?nh x?c th?c:N?u nh?n ???c m?t cu?c g?i ??ng ng?, n?n t?m d?ng cu?c g?i ngay l?p t?c v? li?n l?c tr?c ti?p v?i ng??i ?? ?? x?c nh?n t?nh x?c th?c.
▍???????????????? AI ????????????????
A:?????? ?????????????????????
B:( ???????????????) ??? ???????????! ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????!
B:????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????!
?????????????????? ???????????????????????????? AI ???????????????? ?????????????????????? AI?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? AI ???????????????? ???????????? 3 ?????????????????????????????????
2.?????????????????? :???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3.??????????????????:???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????