▍拒絕醫療暴力 尊重醫護,守護你我健康! 不應對辛苦的醫療人員暴力相向,不僅對醫護人員造成嚴重的身心傷害,甚至妨礙了急需治療病人的權益,呼籲各位 •尊重醫護人員-醫護人員是我們健康的守護者,值得我們的尊重和感謝,並對他們保持禮貌和耐心 •不要以暴力解決問題-面對醫療過程中的不滿或困難,請冷靜處理,透過正當途徑反映問題,暴力行為只會帶來更多的痛苦和麻煩 •遵守醫療規範-任何暴力、脅迫或恐嚇醫護人員的行為恐都違反醫療法,將處以新臺幣3萬元以上5萬元以下罰鍰,還可能面臨3年以下有期徒刑或30萬元以下罰金 尊重每一位醫護人員,一起對醫療暴力說「不」! 英文版 ▍Do not resort to violence at medical facilities Respect medical staff, ensure everyone stays healthy Do not behave in a violent manner toward hard-working medical staff. Behaving in such a way can not only cause physical and mental harm to medical staff, it also adversely impacts the rights of patients in need of urgent care. When visiting a medical facility observe the following: •Always respect medical staff-Medical personnel are the protectors of our health and deserving of respect and thanks. Always treat them with courtesy and patience. •Do not try to resolve problems through violence-If you feel dissatisfied or encounter difficulties in the medical treatment process, handle such situations with a cool head and make known any misgivings through the proper channels. Resorting to violence will only cause more pain and trouble. •Observe the rules and regulations of medical treatment-Any behavior that involves violence, coercion or intimidation toward medical staff violates medical law and can result in a fine ranging from NT$30,000 to NT$50,000. In extreme cases, those found guilty can be sentenced to jail for up to 3 years or fined NT$300,000. Respect all medical staff, reject violence. 印尼文版 ▍Tolak Kekerasan Medis Menghormati dokter dan perawat yang melindungi kesehatan kita Tidak seharusnya melakukan tindakan kekerasan terhadap staf medis, tidak saja mengakibatkan luka parah jasmani dan rohani staf medis, bahkan menghalangi orang yang membutuhkan perawatan darurat, setiap orang diimbau untuk •Menghormati staf perawat medis-Dokter, perawat dan staf medis adalah para pelindung kesehatan kita yang patut kita hormati dan berterima kasih, serta bersikap sabar dan sopan kepada mereka. •Jangan menggunakan kekerasan untuk menyelesaikan masalah-Menghadapi kesulitan atau ketidakpuasan dalam proses perawatan medis, harap diselesaikan dengan sikap tenang, melaporkan permasalahan melalui jalur yang benar, tindakan kekerasan hanya akan menambah masalah dan penderitaan. •Mematuhi peraturan perawatan medis-Setiap tindakan kekerasan, pemaksaan atau intimidasi terhadap staf medis adalah pelanggaran Hukum Kedokteran dan akan dikenakan denda NT$30.000 – NT$50.000, selain itu juga dapat menghadapi hukuman penjara di bawah 3 tahun atau sanksi denda di bawah NT$300.000. Menghormati setiap staf medis, bersama-sama mengatakan “tidak” pada tindakan kekerasan medis! 越南文版 ▍Ch?ng b?o h?nh y t? T?n tr?ng nh?n vi?n y t?, b?o v? s?c kh?e c?a ch?ng ta. Kh?ng n?n s? d?ng b?o l?c v?i nh?n vi?n y t?, ?i?u n?y kh?ng ch? g?y t?n h?i nghi?m tr?ng v? th? ch?t v? tinh th?n cho c?c nh?n vi?n y t?, m? th?m ch? c?n c?n tr? quy?n v? l?i ?ch c?a nh?ng b?nh nh?n ?ang c?n ?i?u tr? kh?n c?p. M?i ng??i h?y •T?n tr?ng nh?n vi?n y t?-Nh?n vi?n y t? l? ng??i b?o v? s?c kh?e c?a ch?ng ta, ch?ng ta ph?i t?n tr?ng v? bi?t ?n, h?y l?ch s?, ki?n nh?n v?i h?. •Kh?ng s? d?ng b?o l?c ?? gi?i quy?t v?n ??-Khi g?p b?t m?n ho?c kh? kh?n trong qu? tr?nh ?i?u tr?, h?y b?nh t?nh gi?i quy?t v? b?o c?o v?n ?? qua nh?ng k?nh th?ch h?p. B?o l?c ch? mang l?i nhi?u ?au ??n v? r?c r?i h?n m? th?i. •Tu?n th? c?c quy ??nh y t?-B?t k? h?nh vi b?o l?c, ?p bu?c ho?c ?e d?a nh?n vi?n y t? ??u c? th? vi ph?m Lu?t Y t?, s? b? ph?t t? 30.000 ??i t? ??n 50.000 ??i t?, c?n c? kh? n?ng b? ph?t t? d??i 3 n?m ho?c ph?t ti?n t?i ?a 300.000 ??i t?. H?y t?n tr?ng m?i nh?n vi?n y t?, c?ng n?i “kh?ng” v?i b?o l?c y t?. 泰文版 ▍????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? •???????????????????????????-?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????-???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •???????????????????-???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? 30,000 -50,000 ????????????? ????????????????????????????????? 3 ?? ??????????????? 300,000 ????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????????? “???” ????????????????????????