▍Driving a mini electrictwo-wheel vehicle on the sidewalk is strictly forbidden
A:Hey, why are you driving your mini electric two-wheel vehicle on the sidewalk?
B:Because it’s convenient and these vehicles don’t move very quickly anyway, there’s no problem is there?
A:Yes there is. According to traffic laws in Taiwan, driving a mini electric two-wheel vehicles on the sidewalk is strictly forbidden. If stopped by the police you can be fined NT$300-NT$1,200.
B:Really? I did not knowit was punishable with a fine.
For your safety and the safety of othersdo not drive mini electric two-wheel vehicles on the sidewalk.
▍Kendaraan RodaDua Listrik Mikro - Dilarang Mengendarai di Trotoar
A:Eh? Mengapa kamu mengendarai kendaraan roda dua listrik mikro di trotoar?
B:Lebih praktis begini! Lagian kendaraan roda dua listrik mikro kan tidak kencang, sepertinya tidak masalah deh?
A:Tidak boleh! Menurut undang-undang lalu lintas di Taiwan, kendaraan roda dua listrik mikro dilarang dikendarai di trotoar. Kalau ketahuan polisi, akan dikenakan denda NT$300 sampai NT$1.200 lho!
B:Yang benar? Saya tidak tahu kalau ada dendanya.
Demi keselamatan diri sendiri dan orang lain,Dilarang mengendarai kendaraan roda dua listrik mikro di trotoar.
▍Kh?ng ???c ?i xe m?y ?i?n hai b?nh lo?i nh? tr?n l?i ?i b?
A:?a? Sao b?n c? th? ?i xe m?y ?i?n hai b?nh lo?i nh? tr?n l?i ?i b? th? n?y c? ch??
B: ?i ???ng n?y ti?n h?n. Xe m?y ?i?n hai b?nh lo?i nh? kh?ng nhanh l?m n?n ch?c kh?ng c? v?n ?? g? ??u nh??
A:Kh?ng ???c nh?! Theo lu?t giao th?ng c?a ??i Loan, xe m?y ?i?n hai b?nh lo?i nh? l? c?m ?i tr?n l?i ?i b?. N?u b? c?nh s?t ch?n l?i, b?n s? b? ph?t t? 300 ??i t? ??n 1.200 ??i t?.
B:Th?t sao? T?i kh?ng bi?t ?i nh? th? n?y c?ng b? ph?t ti?n.
V? s? an to?n c?a ch?nh b?n v? c?a ng??i kh?c Kh?ng ?i xe m?y ?i?n hai b?nh lo?i nh? tr?n l?i ?i b?.
B:????????????????! ??????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
A:????????!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? 300-1,200??????????????????!