▍違法分享管制藥品 A:最近老是睡不著,白天精神變很差 B:我之前也是,後來醫生開了鎮靜安眠藥,效果很好,我這裡還有,你要不要試試看? A:真的可以試一下嗎?…… C:不可以!鎮靜安眠藥大部分屬於管制藥品只有醫生評估後才能開處方私下轉讓或分享是犯法的! 提醒您,隨意轉讓鎮靜安眠藥等管制藥品,恐觸犯毒品危害防制條例,將處1年以下有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣10萬元以下罰金 英文版 ▍Illegal sharing of controlled medication A:Recently I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep and feel lethargic all day B:I used to be like that but the doctor prescribed me sedative sleeping tablets and they worked really well. I’ve still got some left do you want to try? A:Can I really try your medication? C:NO! Most sedative sleeping tablets arecontrolled medication that can only be prescribed after an assessment conducted by a doctor. Handing over or sharing such medication to a third party is illegal. Remember, handing over sedative sleeping tablets or any other controlled medication is a violation of the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act and can result in a jail sentence of up to one year and a maximum fine of NT$100,000. 印尼文版 ▍Berbagi Obat Terkontrol Secara Ilegal A:Akhir-akhir ini saya sering susah tidur,dan jadi tidak semangat sepanjang hari B:Saya dulu juga begitu, tapi setelah dokter memberi saya benzodiazepine, khasiatnya sangat baik. Ini saya masih ada, kamu mau coba? A:Benarkah saya boleh mencobanya? …… C:Tidak boleh! Sebagian besar benzodiazepine termasuk obat terkontrol, dan hanya bisa diberikan oleh dokter setelah melalui evaluasi. Memberikan atau membagikan obat secara pribadi adalah tindakan ilegal! Kami ingatkan, secara sembarangan memberikan obat penenang tidur yang termasuk obat-obatan terkontrol, dapat melanggar “Undang-Undang Pengendalian Bahaya Narkotika”, pelanggar dapat dikenakan hukuman pidana penjara hingga 1 tahun dan denda maksimal NT$100.000. 越南文版 ▍Chia s? c?c lo?i thu?c ph?i ki?mso?t ??c bi?t l? h?nh vi tr?i ph?p! A:G?n ??y t?i kh?ng ng? ???c khi?n ban ng?y c?m gi?c th?t u? o?i. B:Tr??c ??y t?i c?ng nh? th?, sau n?y b?c s? k? ??n thu?c an th?n g?y ng? cho t?i, r?t hi?u qu?. T?i v?n c?n thu?c ??y n?y. B?n c? mu?n d?ng th? kh?ng? A:T?i th?c s? c? th? th? kh?ng? … C:Kh?ng ???c! H?u h?t thu?c an th?n g?y ng? ??u l? thu?c ph?i ki?m so?t ??c bi?t, ch? ???c b?c s? k? ??n sau khi ??nh gi?. Vi?c nh??ng l?i ho?c chia s? thu?c m?t c?ch ri?ng t? l? h?nh vi tr?i ph?p! Nh?c nh? b?n, t?y ti?n chuy?n nh??ng c?c lo?i thu?c ph?i ki?m so?t ??c bi?t nh? thu?c an th?n g?y ng?,c? th? s? vi ph?m quy ??nh ph?ng ch?ng t?c h?i c?a ma t?y,s? b? ph?t t? d??i 1 n?m v? ph?t ti?n d??i 100.000 ??i t?. 泰文版 ▍???????????????????????????????? A:??????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????????? B:????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????? ??????????????????? ?????????????? A:???????? ?????????????…… C:????????!????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????! ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? 1 ??????????????????????????? 100,000 ?????????????
