▍注意禁煙場所 室內場所除設有吸煙室,否則全面禁煙,而戶外場所則分為「全面禁煙」、設有「吸菸區可吸煙處」及「未禁煙」 3類!吸菸前請注意周遭有無「禁煙標示」,在禁煙場所吸煙,會被處以新臺幣2,000至1萬元的罰款,如有吸煙需求,請務必選擇設有吸煙區的地方,以免受罰! 英文版 ▍Be aware of no smoking areas Smoking is banned in all indoor areasunless a designated smoking room is provided. Outdoor areas are divided into three categories; “smoke-free”, “smoking areas allowed”and “not smoke-free”.Before smoking, please checkwhether there is a “no smoking sign.”Smoking in a smoke-free area can resultin a fine of NT$2,000-NT$10,000.If you want to smoke be sure to pick a location with a designated smoking areato avoid being fined. 印尼文版 ▍Perhatian KawasanDilarang Merokok Seluruh kawasan dalam ruangan dilarang merokok, kecuali disediakan ruang merokok, sedangkan kawasan luar ruangan terbagi atas3 jenis “Seluruh Kawasan Dilarang Merokok”, tersedia “Area Merokok” dan “Dilarang Merokok”! Sebelum merokok, harap perhatikan ada tidaknya“Petunjuk Dilarang Merokok”di area sekitar, jika merokok di kawasan dilarang merokok akan dikenakan denda antara NT$2.000 hingga NT$10.000 Jika ada kebutuhan merokok, harap memilih tempat yang menyediakan area merokok agar tidak didenda! 越南文版 ▍Ch? ? nh?ng n?i c?mh?t thu?c Ngo?i tr? ph?ng h?t thu?c, c?c ??a ?i?m trong nh? ho?n to?n c?m h?t thu?c, c?n c?c ??a ?i?m ngo?i tr?i ???c chia th?nh ba lo?i:“ho?n to?n c?m h?t thu?c”, “khu v?c ???c h?t thu?c” v? “kh?ng c?m h?t thu?c”.Tr??c khi h?t thu?c, h?y ch? ? xem xung quanh b?n c? “bi?n b?o c?m h?t thu?c” hay kh?ng.H?t thu?c ? n?i c?m h?t thu?c s? b?ph?t t? 2.000 - 10.000 ??i t?. N?u c? nhu c?u h?t thu?c, b?n ph?i ch?n khu v?c ???c h?t thu?c ?? tr?nh b? ph?t nh?! 泰文版 ▍????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? 3 ????????? “?????????????”?????????? “????????????” ???“????????????????”! ?????????????????????????????????????????“?????????????”?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? 2,000-10,000 ????????????? ??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????!