▍一氧化碳中毒急救 3 步驟 一氧化碳無色無味,吸入後可能引發頭痛、噁心、暈眩甚至昏迷,嚴重時會導致死亡;若遇到疑似一氧化碳中毒的情況,請立即採取以下急救3步驟: •停止使用燃氣設備-立即關閉熱水器或其他燃氣設備,並打開窗戶通風。 •移至通風良好的室外-若感到身體不適,請立即前往室外新鮮空氣處,並撥打119 電話求助。 •進行心肺復甦術 (CPR)-若有人無呼吸心跳,保持冷靜並進行心肺復甦術。 英文版 ▍Three first aid measures in the event of carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and if inhaled can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and even unconsciousness. In severe cases it can result in death. If you encounter a suspected carbon monoxide poisoning situation, immediately take the following steps: •Stop using any gas-fired equipment-Turn off the water heater or other gas-fired equipment and open a window to improve ventilation. •Move outdoors-If you feel uncomfortable go outdoors, breathe in the fresh air and call 119 for emergency services assistance. •Perform CPR-If anyone stops breathing or their heart stops beating remain calm and perform CPR. 印尼文版 ▍Keracunan Karbon Monoksida 3 Langkah Pertolongan Pertama Karbon monoksida tidak berwarna dan tidak berbau. Menghirupnya dapat menyebabkan sakit kepala, mual, pusing, atau bahkan koma. Dalam kasus yang parah, dapat menyebabkan kematian. Apabila terjadi kondisi yang dicurigai keracunan karbon monoksida, diharap segera mengambil 3 langkah pertolongan pertama sebagai berikut: •Hentikan pemakaian peralatan gas-Segera mematikan mesin pemanas air atau peralatan gas lainnya, dan membuka jendela untuk sirkulasi udara. •Berpindah ke luar ruangan dengan sirkulasi udara baik-Apabila merasa tidak enak badan, harap segera berpindah ke luar ruangan untuk mendapatkan udara segar, serta meminta bantuan dengan menghubungi 119. •Melakukan Resusitasi Jantung Paru (CPR)-Apabila ada orang yang tidak bernapas dan detak jantung berhenti, jangan panik dan lakukan CPR. 越南文版 ▍Ng? ??c carbon monoxide 3 b??c s? c?u Carbon monoxide kh?ng m?u, kh?ng m?i, khi h?t ph?i c? th? g?y ?au ??u, bu?n n?n, ch?ng m?t ho?c th?m ch? h?n m?, tr??ng h?p n?ng c? th? d?n ??n t? vong. N?u b?n nghi ng? b? ng? ??c kh? carbon monoxide, h?y l?p t?c th?c hi?n 3 b??c s? c?u sau: •Ng?ng s? d?ng thi?t b? gas-T?t ngay m?y n??c n?ng ho?c c?c thi?t b? d?ng gas kh?c v? m? c?a s? ?? th?ng gi?. •Di chuy?n ra ngo?i tr?i ??n n?i th?ng tho?ng-N?u c?m th?y kh?ng kh?e, h?y l?p t?c ra ngo?i h?t th? kh?ng kh? trong l?nh v? g?i 119 ?? ???c gi?p ??. •Th?c hi?n h?i s?c tim ph?i (CPR)-N?u c? ng??i kh?ng c? h?i th? ho?c nh?p tim, h?y b?nh t?nh v? th?c hi?n h? h?p nh?n t?o. 泰文版 ▍??????????????????????????????3 ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? 3 ????????????? •????????????????????-????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •???????????????????????????????????????????-???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 119 •????????????????????????????????????????? (CPR)-???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (CPR)