▍Died in an explosion in the aluminum mold casting operation
1. Summary of the case
In March 2024, eight victims, including Ah X, Sha X, Ta X, Tong X, Song X, Tsang X, Lin X and Wang X, did aluminum mold casting. Ah X was at the southwest side of the batch tray and suspected to have seen aluminum leakage from the mold on the tray. When he went there to block the leakage, an explosion occurred, resulting in the deaths of Ah X and Sha X and the injuries of the other six people.
2. Causes of hazards
Employers did not take appropriate protective measures (such as safety locks, indicator monitoring devices, emergent exhaust facilities, strict control of workforce and dryness, etc.) to prevent burns or other hazards caused by the disposing of large quantities of highly heated materials in workplaces, and did not require workers to wear appropriate protective gears.
3. Protective Measures for Hazards
•Employers should take appropriate precautions to prevent burns or other hazards caused by the flying or spilling heated materials in blast furnaces, iron casting furnaces or glass melting furnaces, or workplaces for disposing massive quantities of heated materials. They should make sure the workers wear appropriate protective gears.
•The designers, manufacturers, and importers of machinery, equipment, appliances, raw materials, and materials, as well as the designers and constructors of construction sites should conduct risk evaluations at the planning stage of designing, manufacturing, importing, or constructing. They should attempt to prevent occupational disasters while operating these objects or constructing processes.
▍Kematian akibat bencana ledakan saat penuangan cetakan aluminium
1.Ringkasan Kasus
Pada bulan maret 2024 pekerja korban bencana A○、Sha○、Tha○、Tung○、Sung○、Ceng○、Lin○○、Wang○○ berdelapan orang bersamaan bekerja di bagian penuangan cetakan aluminium,
A○ saat itu di sub piring cairan sebelah barat daya,menduga melihat kebocoran aluminium di cetakan sub piring cairan dan saat berkeinginan menyumbatnya terjadi ledakan,mengakibatkan A○ dan Sha○ terluka berat meninggal dunia, sedangkan ke enam orang lainnya terluka.
2. Penyebab Bencana
Majikan terhadap penanganan daerah pengoperasian bahan-bahan bersuhu tinggi berjumlah besar,untuk mencegah hamburan atau luapan bahan bersuhu tinggi yang menyebabkan luka bakar atau bahaya yang lain, tidak mengambil tindakan pencegahan yang tepat(perangkat interlock keselamatan, perangkat pemantauan,fasilitas pembuangan darurat,control ketat jumlah orang dan menjaga kekeringan ruangan,dll), dan operator tidak dipakaikan perangkat pelindung yang sesuai.
3. Strategi penanggulangan bencana
•Majikan terhadap tempat kerja pengoperasian tanur sembur、tungku tuang besi atau tungku peleburan kaca atau daerah penanganan bahan-bahan bersuhu tinggi dalam jumlah besar,untuk mencegah hamburan dan tumpahan bahan-bahan bersuhu tinggi yang menyebabkan luka bakar atau bahaya yang lain,seharusnya mengambil tindakan penanggulangan yang sesuai, memakaikan operator perangkat pelindung yang sesuai.
•Yang merancang,memproduksi,atau mengimpor mesin、perangkat, peralatan, bahan, bahan mentah、bahan-bahan lainnya, dan Yang merancang atau membangun proyek harus melakukan penilaian resiko selama tahap perencanaan desain、manufaktur、 impor atau kontruksi dan mengupayakannya mencegah saat menggunakan barang atau pengoperasiannya terjadi bencana kerja.
▍T? Vong Do Th?m H?a N? Khi ??c Khu?n Nh?m
1. T?m t?t v? vi?c
V?o th?ng 3 n?m 2014, g?m c? 8 c?ng nh?n bao g?m A○, Sha○, Ta○○, Tong○, Song○, Zeng○○, Lin○○ v? Wang○○ ?ang l?m c?ng vi?c ?? khu?n nh?m.
Khi anh A○ ?ang x?p c?c khu?n ?? ? ph?a ? ph?a T?y Nam, anh nghi ng? c? nh?m r? r? tr?n khu?n, anh ta c? g?ng ch?n l?i ?? tr?nh b? r? r? nh?m nh?ng kh?ng may v? n? ?? x?y ra khi?n A○ v? Sha ○b? th??ng n?ng v? t? vong.
C?n l?i 6 ng??i kh?c b? th??ng.
2.Nguy?n nh?n g?y th?m h?a
Ch? thu? ??i v?i c?c n?i l?m vi?c ?? v?t d?ng c? nhi?t ?? cao , ?? ng?n ng?a
m?i nguy hi?m do c?c v?t d?ng c? nhi?t ?? cao ph?n t?n ho?c tr?n ?? s? g?y b?ng ho?c g?y nguy hi?m kh?c.Ch?a th?c hi?n c?c bi?n ph?p b?o v? th?ch h?p (kh?a an to?n, d?ng c? thi?t b? gi?m s?t, thi?t b? x? kh?n c?p, ki?m so?t ch?t ch? s? l??ng ng??i v? gi? kh? r?o, v.v.) , v? ch?a b?t bu?c ng??i lao ??ng ph?i m?c ?? b?o h? th?ch h?p.
3.C?c bi?n ph?p ph?ng ch?ng tai n?n
•Ch? thu? ??i v?i l? cao, l? luy?n gang, l? nung th?y tinh ho?c n?i l?m vi?c c? c?c v?t li?u ? nhi?t ?? cao, ?? tr?nh b? b?ng ho?c c?c m?i nguy hi?m kh?c do v?t li?u c? nhi?t ?? cao b? ph?n t?n ho?c tr?n ?? ra ngo?i, n?n c? bi?n ph?p th?ch h?p ph?ng ng?a v? y?u c?u ng??i lao ??ng m?c qu?n ?o b?o h? ph? h?p.
•Ng??i ti?n h?nh d? ?n ph?i Th?c hi?n k? ho?ch ??nh gi? r?i ro trong giai ?o?n l?p k? ho?ch khi thi?t k?, t?i t?o ,s?n xu?t , d?ng c?, nguy?n li?u, v?t li?u ,c? g?ng ng?n ch?n vi?c ph?t sinh ra th?m h?a trong qu? tr?nh thi c?ng d? ?n.
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