▍友善移工就醫地圖專區 •提供詳細的醫療機構資訊,包括醫院的「營業時間」、「服務類型」及「看診和領藥流程」指引 •線上翻譯功能,提供即時的就醫通譯服務 •支援一鍵撥打1955免付費專線,提供三方通譯服務 如何使用「就醫地圖」 Step 1 開啟位於下方的圖文選單 Step 2 點選文字選單中的「就醫地圖」 Step 3 獲取醫療相關資訊 如有相關疑問,可撥打1955專線進行諮詢 英文版 ▍Foreign Worker Friendly Healthcare Map •Provides details on medical institutions, including the “opening times” of hospitals, “service categories” and guidelines on how to “see a doctor and pick up prescriptions.” •The online translation function provides a real time interpretation service. •Support – call the 1955 toll-free hotline for three-party interpretation services. How to use the healthcare map Step 1 - Open the picture/text menu at the bottom Step 2 - Click “Map of Medicine” in the menu Step 3 - Access medical treatment related information If you have any related questions call the 1955 Hotline. 印尼文版 ▍Peta Akses Layanan Kesehatan Ramah Pekerja Migran •Menyediakan informasi lembaga medis secara rinci, termasuk petunjuk“jam kerja”, “jenis layanan”, dan “prosedur berobat dan pengambilan obat”. •Fungsi penerjemahan daring, menyediakan layanan penerjemahan medis segera •Panggilan sekali klik ke Saluran Khusus 1955, menyediakan layanan penerjemahan 3 pihak. Bagaimana penggunaan “peta berobat” Step 1 Buka menu pilihan gambar di bawah ini Step 2 Tekan pilihan pada tulisan “peta berobat” Step 3 Mendapatkan informasi terkait medis Jika memiliki pertanyaan terkait, dapat menghubungi hotline 1955 untuk konsultasi 越南文版 ▍Trang h??ng d?n kh?m b?nh th?n thi?n cho lao ??ng nh?p c? •Cung c?p th?ng tin chi ti?t v? c?c c? s? y t?, bao g?m h??ng d?n v? “gi? l?m vi?c”, “lo?i h?nh d?ch v?” v? “quy tr?nh kh?m b?nh v? l?nh thu?c” c?a b?nh vi?n. •Ch?c n?ng phi?n d?ch tr?c tuy?n, cung c?p d?ch v? phi?n d?ch y t? ngay l?p t?c •H? tr? ng??i d?ng g?i ??n ???ng d?y n?ng mi?n ph? 1955 ch? b?ng m?t c? nh?p chu?t, cung c?p d?ch v? phi?n d?ch ba b?n C?ch s? d?ng “B?n ?? y t?”: B??c 1. M? menu ?? h?a th?ng tin b?n d??i. B??c 2. Nh?p v?o “B?n ?? y t?”. B??c 3. Xem th?ng tin y t? li?n quan. N?u c? th?c m?c c? th? g?i t?i ???ng d?y n?ng 1955 ?? ???c t? v?n. 泰文版 ▍??????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????? ???? ????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????????????????? •????????????????????????????????? •????????????????????????????????????????????? 1955 ??????????????????????? Step 1. ???????????????????????????????????? Step 2. ?????????? “????????????????” Step 3. ?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????????????????????? 1955