▍When my employment contract in Taiwan ends who pays for my flight back home?
When your employment contract ends , if you choose to not continue working in Taiwan and want to return home, before signing a salary affidavit be aware that based on the Ministry of Labor’s Foreign Nationals Working in Taiwan Expenses and Salary Affidavit, who pays for return flights is determined by “negotiations between the employer and employee.”
If during the employment period a foreign worker wants to take leave and return home, the cost of doing so is also determined by negotiations between the two sides.
If your rights and interests are harmed call the 1955 Hotline for consultations or to file a complaint.
▍Saat finis kontrak kerjaSiapa yang membayar tiket pesawat pulang ke tanah air?
Pada saat kontrak kerja berakhir, jika Anda memilih tidak melanjutkan kerja dan pulang ke negara asal, sebelum menandatangani kontrak kerja, harap perhatikan dengan cermat, berdasarkan pengumuman Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan, surat perjanjian biaya dan gaji untuk orang asing datang bekerja di Taiwan, biaya ini adalah biaya yang dapat dinegosiasikan dan disepakati sendiri antara 「pihak pemberi kerja dan pekerja」
Jika ingin cuti pulang ke kampung halaman selama masa kontrak kerja, segala biaya tiket pesawat juga dapat dinegosiasikan dan disepakati sendiri oleh pihak pemberi kerja dan pekerja
Jika terdapat masalah hak dan kepentingan terkait dirugikan, maka dapat menghubungi Hotline 1955 untuk konsultasi dan pengaduan.
▍Khi th?i gian tuy?n d?ng k?t th?c, ai s? tr? ti?n v? m?y bay v? n??c?
Khi th?i h?n l?m vi?c k?t th?c, n?u b?n ch?n kh?ng gia h?n h?p ??ng v? v? n??c, tr??c khi k? B?n cam k?t v? ti?n l??ng ph?i ??c bi?t l?u ?. Theo B?n cam k?t v? ti?n l??ng v? c?c chi ph? c?a lao ??ng n??c ngo?i sang ??i Loan l?m vi?c do B? Lao ??ng c?ng b?, kho?n ph? n?y c? th? ???c chi tr? b?i “Ng??i s? d?ng lao ??ng v? ng??i lao ??ng” t? th??ng l??ng v? ??t ???c th?a thu?n.
N?u mu?n xin ngh? ph?p v? n??c trong th?i gian ???c tuy?n d?ng, ti?n v? m?y bay c?ng c? c? th? do ch? thu? v? ng??i lao ??ng th??ng l??ng v?i nhau.
N?u quy?n l?i li?n quan b? t?n h?i c? th? g?i t?i ???ng d?y n?ng 1955 ?? ???c t? v?n ho?c khi?u n?i.
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