若有相關疑問,可以撥打 1955 專線進行諮詢或申訴
▍How do I apply for an individual incometax refund?
If after filing your individual income tax declaration, the National Taxation Bureau determines you qualify for a refund, you can choose one of two methods to receive the payment:
Bank transfer refund:You can have the tax refund transferred to a designated NT dollar deposit account belonging to yourself, your spouse, or a dependent at the post office or a financial institution. If the refund cannot be issued due to factors such as the account being closed, the National Taxation Bureau will issue a tax refund check instead
Authorized tax refund:If you are unable to personally collect the tax refund check or have already left the country, please fill in a “Power of Attorney” document, authorizing an agent to collect or cash the refund on your behalf. You may also designate a representative from the embassy or consulate of your home country in Taiwan to handle the process. However, that individual must provide a photocopy of his or her passport signature page to verify their identity.
If you have any related questions call the 1955 Hotlinefor a consultation or to file a complaint.
▍Bagaimana Mengurus Pengembalian PajakPenghasilan
Jika setelah Anda melaporkan pajak penghasilan dan Biro Perpajakan Nasional menetapkan ada pengembalian pajak untuk Anda, maka dapat memilih 2 metode pengembalian pajak berikut:
Pengembalian pajak dengan transfer : Dapat menggunakan rekening dalam mata uang NT$ dari lembaga keuangan atau kantor pos dari Anda sendiri, pasangan atau keluarga tertanggung dan pengembalian pajak akan ditransfer ke rekening yang ditunjuk. Jika karena rekening telah ditutup atau unsur lainnya sehingga uang pengembalian pajak tidak berhasil ditransfer, maka Biro Perpajakan Nasional akan mengubahnya menjadi pengembalian pajak berupa cek.
Pemberian kuasa pengembalian pajak : Jika tidak dapat mengambil sendiri cek pengembalian pajak atau sudah meninggalkan Taiwan, silakan mengisi formulir “surat kuasa”, orang yang menerima kuasa mewakili untuk mengambil atau menukarnya, juga dapat menunjuk staf dari kantor perwakilan negara asal pekerja migran yang ada di Taiwan untuk pengurusannya; Namun harus melampirkan foto kopi halaman tanda tangan dari paspor untuk verifikasi data identitas.
Jika memiliki pertanyaan terkait, dapat menghubungi hotline 1955 untuk konsultasi atau pengaduan.
▍L?m th? n?o ??l?m th? t?c ho?n th? thu nh?p c? nh?n?
Sau khi n?p thu? thu nh?p c? nh?n, n?u C?c Thu? Qu?c gia x?c ??nh b?n ???c ho?n thu?, b?n c? th? ch?n 1 trong 2 c?ch ?? nh?n ti?n ho?n thu?:
Chuy?n kho?n ho?n thu? : B?n c? th? ch? ??nh t?i kho?n ??i t? c?a ch?nh m?nh, v?/ch?ng ho?c ng??i th?n ph? thu?c c?a b?n t?i b?u ?i?n ho?c t? ch?c t?i ch?nh ?? ???c chuy?n ti?n ho?n thu?. N?u vi?c thanh to?n kh?ng th? ???c th?c hi?n su?n s? do c?c y?u t? nh? ??ng t?i kho?n..., C?c Thu? s? g?i s?c ho?n thu? cho b?n.
?y quy?nho?n thu? : N?u b?n kh?ng th? tr?c ti?p ??n nh?n s?c ho?n thu? ho?c ?? r?i kh?i ??i Loan, h?y vi?t “Th? ?y quy?n” v? ?y th?c cho ng??i kh?c thay b?n nh?n ti?n ho?n thu?. B?n c?ng c? th? ch? ??nh nh?n vi?n c?a V?n ph?ng ??i di?n Vi?t Nam t?i ??i Loan gi?i quy?t gi?p b?n, nh?ng ph?i cung c?p b?n sao trang h? chi?u c? ch? k? ?? x?c minh danh t?nh.
N?u c? th?c m?c, b?n c? th? g?i t?i ???ng d?y n?ng 1955 ?? ???c t? v?n ho?c khi?u n?i.
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