▎解約驗證後可以撤銷嗎? 我已經辦理了解約驗證,但我在等待返國的期間思考後,覺得還是想要待在臺灣工作,是否可以撤銷呢? 若勞雇雙方均同意撤銷解約驗證,可向居住地所屬勞工局申請撤銷解約驗證,然後則可依據自身狀況,繼續於原雇主處工作或辦理轉換雇主程序。 有解約驗證相關問題,可洽1955專線詢問。 英文版 ▎Can contract termination verification be canceled? I already underwent contract termination verification, but while I was waiting to return to my home country I reflected on the matter and decided I wanted to stay in Taiwan. Can I cancel the contract termination verification? If an employer and worker are in agreement an application can be made to the local competent labor authority in the place of residence to cancel contract termination verification. Thereafter, the foreign worker can, depending on his/her situation, continue to work for the original employer or transfer to a different employer. If you have any questions relating to contract termination verification, call the 1955 hotline. 印尼文版 ▎Setelah verifikasi pemutusan kontrak dilakukan, apakah dapat membatalkannya? Saya telah mengajukan verifikasi pemutusan kontrak, tetapi setelah memikirkannya selama menunggu kepulangan ke negara asal, saya merasa ingin tetap bekerja di Taiwan. Apakah mungkin untuk membatalkannya? Apabila pekerja maupun majikan setuju untuk membatalkan verifikasi pemutusan konrak, maka dapat mengajukan permohonan pencabutan verifikasi pemutusan kontrak ke Biro Tenaga Kerja di wilayah tempat tinggal Anda. Setelah itu, Anda dapat meneruskan bekerja di tempat kerja awal atau memproses prosedur pergantian majikan sesuai dengan situasi Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan terkait verifikasi pemutusan kontrak, Anda dapat konsultasi ke Saluran Khusus 1955. 越南文版 ▎T?i c? th? xin r?t l?i h? s? sau khi ?? l?m gi?y x?c nh?n ch?m d?t h?p ??ng kh?ng? T?i ?? ho?n th?nh th? t?c x?c nh?n ch?m d?t h?p ??ng, nh?ng trong th?i gian ch? ??i v? n??c t?i ?? ngh? l?i v? c?m th?y m?nh v?n mu?n l?m vi?c t?i ??i Loan, v?y t?i c? th? xin r?t l?i kh?ng? N?u c? ng??i lao ??ng v? ng??i s? d?ng lao ??ng ??u ??ng ? h?y gi?y x?c nh?n ch?m d?t h?p ??ng, c? th? n?p ??n l?n C?c lao ??ng ??a ph??ng ?? xin h?y b? gi?y x?c nh?n ch?m d?t h?p ??ng, sau ?? c? th? ti?p t?c l?m vi?c v?i ch? c? ho?c l?m th? t?c ??i ch? theo t?nh h?nh c?a b?n th?n. N?u c? b?t k? th?c m?c n?o v? vi?c ch?ng nh?n ch?m d?t h?p ??ng, vui l?ng li?n h? v?i ???ng d?y n?ng 1955 ?? ???c gi?i ??p. 泰文版 ▎????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? 1955