▍職業病不要來 保護頸椎有訣竅 當勞工需要長時間低頭進行作業,又有姿勢不良或負重需求,就很容易導致頸椎椎間盤突出的傷害,造成肩頸疼痛、手麻、握力不足甚至引發壓迫視神經導致影響視力的併發症狀。 預防頸椎椎間盤突出,從日常做起 •日常頸部姿勢正確並定期活動肩頸肌肉 •注意頸部保暖 •注意負重姿勢或改用工具 英文版 ▍Avoiding occupational illnesses-Tips to protect the cervical spine When workers are engaged in activities that involve them bending their head downwards in a faulty or weight-bearing posture for long periods of time, this can lead to a herniated cervical disc, causing shoulder and neck pain, hand numbness, weak grip, and even complications such as a compressed nerve root that could affect vision. Reducing the risk of cervical disc herniation at work •Maintain correct neck posture and regularly exercise the shoulder and neck muscles •Keep the neck warm •Pay attention to any weight-bearing posture and where possible use a tool 印尼文版 ▍Hindari Penyakit Akibat Kerja Tips Melindungi Tulang Belakang Leher Ketika pekerja harus bekerja dengan menundukan kepala dalam waktu lama dan lagi posisi tubuh tidak benar atau perlu menahan beban, hal ini sangat mudah menyebabkan cakram tulang belakang menonjol keluar (herniasi diskus), mengakibatkan nyeri leher & bahu, tanganmati rasa, kekuatan mengenggam melemah bahkan menimbulkan tekanan pada saraf optik yang menyebabkan situasi komplikasi yang memengaruhi penglihatan. Mencegah cakram tulang belakang menonjol keluar, dimulai dari kebiasaan sehari-hari •Posisi postur leher dan bahu sehari-hari yang benar dan melakukan perengangan otot leher dan bahu secara berkala •Memperhatikan dan menjaga kehangatan bagian leher •Memperhatikan posisi saat menahan beban berat atau diganti dengan menggunakan alat 越南文版 ▍Ph?ng tr?nh b?nh ngh? nghi?p B? quy?t b?o v? c?t s?ng c? Khi ng??i lao ??ng ph?i c?i ??u l?m vi?c trong th?i gian d?i, t? th? kh?ng ??ng ho?c mang v?c v?t n?ng, r?t d? g?y ra ch?n th??ng tho?t v? ??a ??m c?t s?ng c?, g?y ?au vai c?, t? tay, l?c n?m b?n tay y?u, th?m ch? d?y th?n kinh th? gi?c b? ch?n ?p, d?n ??n c?c bi?n ch?ng ?nh h??ng ??n th? l?c. ?? ng?n ng?a tho?t v? ??a ??m c?, h?y b?t ??u t? th?i quen h?ng ng?y •Duy tr? t? th? ??ng v? th??ng xuy?n t?p luy?n c? vai v? c?. •Gi? ?m c? •Ch? ? ??n t? th? ch?u tr?ng l??ng ho?c s? d?ng c?c d?ng c? thay th? 泰文版 ▍??????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ????? ?????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? •?????????????????????? •??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????